Page 37 of Devastation
Willow noted how the dragon sagged, beaten and defenceless against a cruel dictator who swept triumphantly into view.
“Release my men, Poseidon!” Siera demanded.
Willow’s eyes widened. Siera looked human apart from her tail. She glanced across at Poseidon, confused.
“As part of the evolution, they can shapeshift,” he explained in an aside. “I answer to no man or woman, Siera. You would do well to remember that. You have one choice: surrender, or I return Atlantis to the surface,” he said to Siera.
A tinkling laugh floated to us, and Willow wondered about Siera’s mentality.
Surrounding Siera were six guards, all heavily armed and in merman form. Siera, however, clearly wanted to stand out and wished for Willow to see her beauty.
Because she was stunningly beautiful, even if she was a nutjob, Willow decided. She also carried a sword and a sceptre in her left hand, and her crown was gold with pearls and emeralds.
“Don’t threaten me, Poseidon; you are not the power here,” Siera laughed, thrusting a mer-hip out.
Willow scowled. This mermaid had a screw loose.
“I charge you with treason, enslavement, inciting a war and murder. And you’ll release the Princess Marcina immediately,” Poseidon ordered.
Siera ran a possessive hand down her captive’s head.
“No, I don’t think I will. See, I did something you couldn’t manage. I enslaved the Sea Dragons. They answer to me, Poseidon. You may have freed them from their pearls, but I still command Marcina, and they will not risk harm to her,” Siera sang out.
“God, what a bitch,” Willow murmured.
“I’ll not repeat myself again. This is on your head,” Poseidon said and snapped his fingers.
Instantly, everyone held captive turned into humans, two legs and everything.
Siera stared open-mouthed as they started choking in their prisons.
The water began draining out soon after, and they all pushed upwards, gasping for air. Willow was unsure where to look as thousands of penises confronted her. Well, she did, but thousands of them were overwhelming.
“Change them back!” Siera screamed as she brought her sceptre down on Marcina’s head.
The dragon flinched as Siera hit her again.
“Enough!” Poseidon roared and, using the water, dragged Siera from Marcina’s back.
Willow shot forward as Siera struggled against Poseidon’s command of the ocean.
Willow reached the wounded dragon and winced at seeing blue blood dripping from the wound.
Angrily, Willow yanked against the golden chain and wrestled to remove the pearl. A light tap on her shoulder made her glance backwards, and a swordfish waited beside her. He tapped his sharpened rostral bone against the gold chain, and Willow let go.
Within seconds, he’d cut through the links, and Willow was yanking the chain off Marcina.
As it sank to the sea, Lyris crowded in, crooning and licking the wound.
Willow’s eyes widened as the cut began to close and heal. There was a flurry of bubbles, and then Marcina shifted into a human form with gills.
Willow stared at her in surprise.
“I am weak,” she muttered, stretching a hand out to Lyris.
He immediately bent to her, and she climbed on him.
Willow glanced at the pale girl with long silver hair streaked with blue that fell to her waist. Large sapphire eyes gazed calmly back at her on a heart-shaped face. Her form was wrapped in a loose-fitting dress that floated on the ocean’s current.