Page 38 of Devastation
Anger built in Willow until it exploded.
“A child?” she screamed, almost tearing her throat. “You kidnapped and enslaved a kid?”
Willow’s horrified gaze swept from Marcina to Siera, who looked bored with everything.
Marcina was no older than thirteen and in a fragile condition. She was all skin and bones, and her pale skin had bruises everywhere. It was clear her captivity had been brutal.
“Challenge.” The word floated on the current, and Willow cocked her head.
Poseidon exclaimed, alarm in his voice. “I forbid—”
“I challenge you, Siera, to a duel,” Willow said simultaneously.
“No!” Poseidon roared.
“Accepted!” Siera almost crowed.
Poseidon shot forward, grabbed Siera by the throat, and threw her against the walls of the city. Intent on his mate, Poseidon ignored the hisses around him as he dragged her close.
“What are you doing? She is a warrior, trained to fight long before you were born,” he hissed.
“She needs a beat down!” Willow snapped.
“And you are going to give it to her? Somebody who’s never fought in the ocean before. Siera knows every trick in the book, and you’re a mere babe,” Poseidon replied.
“Well, you wanted rid of me,” Willow retorted.
A part of her puffed up that Poseidon was so worried about her. The other half was furious that he didn’t think she could hold her own.
Willow had grown up learning a few tricks, tricks the sea people wouldn’t see coming. She could fight as dirty as Fish Face opposite her.
Willow laughed when Siera shifted into her other mermaid form. It was as scaly and ugly as the rest of them.
“Is that meant to frighten me?” Willow asked, drifting down to the seabed. “I’ve faced him in a mood.” Willow pointed over her shoulder at Poseidon, who loudly huffed, but it was absent of any bad vibe.
“Come on then, bitch,” Willow taunted, beckoning to Siera.
Siera exploded into an outburst of movement and used her powerful fin to speedily head towards Willow.
Willow waited until the last moment and pushed herself to one side, so Siera shot past her. A tingling sensation hit her hand, and Willow gave into it and was surprised when a golden trident appeared. A quick inspection showed Willow it was a smaller version of Poseidon’s.
Ripples in the current alerted Willow that Siera was heading for her again. Willow pushed upwards this time, and her trident caught Siera’s shoulder as the mermaid slapped upwards with her tail.
She missed hitting Willow, but the force of the wave sent Willow tumbling through the water. Siera crowed loudly as Willow landed in a crouch on the ocean floor.
Willow knew she had to end this quickly. Poseidon was right; she had no experience fighting in the sea, and while she knew she could win on dirty tricks, Siera would outlast her in stamina.
She swept her hand down in the sand and rose with the trident before her. Siera was already coming at her when Willow gained her feet, spotted yellow eyes flashing in anger, and threw the sand at them.
Siera reared back with a scream as Willow stabbed forward and speared Siera’s shoulder with the trident. The trident blew Siera backwards and pinned her to the ground. The roars of the Atlanteans died as they watched in disbelief at their fallen ruler.
“I win. Does that mean I get to decide their punishment?” Willow asked a stunned Poseidon.
His mouth had flapped open, and his reddened eyes stared at her.
“I do not concede,” Siera gasped as she struggled to free the trident.
Willow looked at her, picked up a rock, and swam over to her.