Page 16 of Lost Treasure
She finishedsaving the images and began making a police report. Saving andscreenshotting it, then going through all of her backupprocedures.
Alohi wrappedhis arms around her waist. “I am very angry that you werehurt.”
“I am not a fanmyself. I need to take a shower and get ready for the doctor’svisit.”
“You are havingbreakfast, right? This place has a great breakfast.”
“It wouldn’t bewise. I have an idea of what’s about to happen. I will eat lunch ifI can.” She saw his disappointment. She smiled. “I can havejuice.”
Alohi blinkedhis cool crystal eyes. He smiled. “I can work with that.”
She stroked hisforehead and croaked, “Why are you here?”
“I thought youneeded a hug.”
She chuckledand winced. “Well, I am getting ready for my appointment. Wherewill you be?”
“In the diningroom. I will order the smoothies now.”
She grabbed herbag and tapped his arms to release them from her waist.
He sighed androlled to his back, stretching under the sheets. It was aninteresting sight, but she had to get into the shower. She had toleave for her appointment in forty-five minutes.
Clean and withher hair back in a ponytail, she walked into the large area of thehotel room, and Alohi smiled and beckoned her over. Kekoa wassipping coffee and reading his tablet. He didn’t look up when hesaid, “Good morning, Haravin.”
“Good morning,Your Majesty.”
Alohi pulled aseat in next to him and smiled. “Sit close. I will show you what Iordered.”
He walked herthrough three smoothies that he had ordered for her, and theytaste-tested things. She kept an eye on the clock, and when heralarm went off, she stopped sipping the pineapple smoothie andstood up. “Thank you very much for breakfast. I am heading to thepolice station after the medical check, so you probably won’t seeme again.”
Alohi tearedup. “You don’t want to see us?”
She moved tocalm him. “Of course I do. I am just not expecting you to shiftyour schedule around for me.”
Kekoa said, “Weare taking you to the medical centre.”
Haravin winced.“You don’t have to.”
Alohi nodded.“He wants to make sure you go.”
She sighed andagreed. “Fine. Then I can have a bit more smoothie.”
Alohi curledagainst her arm and rubbed his head against her. He was acting likea giant kitten. Haravin ran her fingers through his hair, smilingat the feel of a light product.
“Why do youkeep your hair in a ponytail?” he murmured.
“Because I am ahousekeeper; we need to keep our hair out of our faces and out ofthe food.”
“You aren’tgoing back to work today.” Kekoa frowned.
“Probably not.I expect to be arrested. That is the kind of thing that Markarranges.”
“Why does hewant you so much?”
“Oh, well,everyone kept gushing that we were perfect. My friend Timmins was ablooming omega, but he was a slow manifestation. When Timminsstarted going into heat, Mark was on him constantly. Unfortunatelyfor Timmins, Mark had already been screwing around with a number ofcontestants at the dance competitions. He got chlamydia, gave it toTimmins, and effectively sterilized him.”
Kekoa looked ather. “Did you get treated?”