Page 27 of Flogging Faith
And Faith shuddered with happiness even as she braced herself.
This was the most fun Bex had ever had in a scene. The two of them were covered in paint, and she was glad Drake had shielded every possible surface in sheets of plastic because what hadn’t gone on themselves or the branch appeared to have gone on the walls.
And she was going to get more on there now.
Faith had taken off her lingerie, and was leaning against the wall, facing forward so that paint wouldn’t get in her eyes.
They were going to have to have a shower after this.
Bex drew her arm back and let fly. The branch landed with the most satisfying smack on Faith’s arse. She pulled it back carefully, trying not to tear any of the leaves. There were a couple of really pretty hearts, but she hadn’t realized how attractive the individual twigs on the branches were going to look. Multicolored stripes that followed the pattern of the wood decorated Faith’s backside. Damn if that didn’t look adorable. This was a great idea.
She wasn’t the person who needed to okay it though. “How was that?” Bex asked.
“Not too stingy,” said Faith. “You can probably go a bit harder if you like, and I’ll watermelon out if I need to.”
Those fruit safe words, Gods her girl was the cutest thing ever.
“How are you feeling about your back and shoulders?”
Faith considered the questions. “Slightly less than that would be perfect, and avoid my kidneys?”
“Of course.” Bex leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “You look incredible.”
“But,” said Faith, and she let out a sigh that sounded contented. “But it feels… it feels good, Bex. It feels right.”
“Good,” said Bex, unable to speak the words that caught on her tongue. Of course, it feels right. Everything about this—about us—feels right.
Each strike added an extra layer to the art, until Faith was a mass of color from her shoulders to the bottom of her arse—partly from the paint, and partly reddened from the branch itself.
Bex didn’t know if she’d ever seen a sight so beautiful.
Stripes decorated Faith’s skin, all jumbled up in a confusion of color that just shouted vibrancy. Heart shapes peeked through where the leaves had caught and printed on the living canvas.
“You were made to be art, rainbow girl,” said Bex.
“Can you take a photo of me?” asked Faith. “I know that photography’s not usually allowed…”
Bex wasn’t sure about leaving Faith alone like this, even for just a moment or two, but rules were rules, and Rawhide Ranch was strict about this one. Far better to ask permission, than break the rule and risk a ban. “I can go and ask, but only if you’re okay waiting like this for me.”
“I can do it,” said Faith, and Bex saw the way her jaw set in determination.
“Are you sure?” She came up close and spoke her words into Faith’s ear. “You’ll have to stay very very still for me, rainbow girl. As still as a statue.”
The shuddery breath Faith let out told Bex everything she needed to hear. “You’ve got it,” she said. “Wait here; I’ll be right back.”
Slipping her trousers and shirt on quickly, Bex ran through the Dungeon, ignoring the curious looks at the paint on her face, and poked her head outside the Dungeon doors. Spotting Drake at his podium, she exited and approached him. “Drake, is it possible for Mr. Hawkins to sign off on me taking a photo of Faith? Her back is the canvas, and she wants to see it for herself. It’ll just be of her and the wall.”
Drake set his book aside and nodded. “I can see why you’d want to keep a record of that. Give me a moment and I’ll call and ask.”
Bex waited in anticipation, shuffling from foot to foot impatiently as Drake spoke on the phone. “Yes, yes, sir. Yes, I understand.” He offered the phone to Bex. “He’d like to speak to you.”
“Ah, Bex, I can absolutely understand the situation, and how it’s appropriate for the scene. I’m happy for the photo to be taken, but it must be taken on Faith’s phone, and not yours. And nothing to identify where it’s been taken please.”