Page 28 of Flogging Faith
“We can do that,” said Bex, breathlessly. “I need to go back, if that’s okay. I’ve left Faith in there on her own.”
“Go go,” said Derek. He sounded amused. “And thank you for checking, Bex. I really do appreciate your respect for our rules.”
Bex practically shoved the phone back at Drake and ran back to the playroom as fast as she could.
“Hey there, rainbow girl, you all good?”
“I’m all good,” said Faith, but her voice had gone all floaty, the way it had the night Bex had first flogged her into subspace.
“You are better than good,” said Bex. “You are perfect. My perfect rainbow girl.”
“Your perfect rainbow girl.”
“We’ve got permission to take a photo of you, but it has to be on your phone. Where’s your phone, rainbow girl?”
“Oh, it’s in my room. There are rules stating no phones in the Dungeon.”
Bex remembered reading that as well. “That’s fine. I’ll ask Drake to call Mandi and see if she or Tay can get it and bring it to the Dungeon and then wait to take it back upstairs.”
Faith gurgled with laughter. “You’re running all over the place, aren’t you?”
“I’d run to the center of the earth and back for you,” said Bex, but she was concerned. Faith seemed lightheaded and she didn’t want her to fall.
Sticking her head out the door of the playroom, she gestured to one of the service submissives, who hurried over and nodded before going to relay Bex’s message to Drake.
Next time she’d plan this better. If there was a next time.
Faith was silent now, swaying slightly on the spot, and Bex came and took her hands, shifting her so that she could meet her rainbow girl’s eyes. They were slightly unfocused, and Faith had a dreamy look on her face.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me taking a photo of you?”
Faith laughed, the sound airy. “I asked you to, of course I’m okay with it.”
Bex took Faith’s chin and adjusted the angle of her face so that their eyes met. “Faith, I need to know you’re making that decision with full capacity.”
Faith took a deep breath, and it took a moment of blinking before her eyes refocused and the cloud cleared. “I’m sure. And on my phone is a good plan.”
That sounded more like Faith’s analytical side, so Bex was satisfied with that.
While they waited for Drake to bring them the phone, Bex stroked Faith’s hair, trying to anchor her in the scene, so she didn’t just float off. As much as seeing her rainbow girl in subspace was adorable, Bex had very definite opinions about making sure people had the capacity to consent—even mid-scene. Luckily, it didn’t take too long for Drake to knock on the door and pass the phone through.
“Thank you, I’ll be right back,” Bex promised.
“Take your time. Make sure you get the perfect shot,” Drake said with a grin that was answered by one of her own.
Handing the phone to Faith to unlock and click on the camera icon, Bex checked her over. Faith gave it back with a smile.
“Photograph me, Bex. Because you made me into art. I’m the art.”
She stepped back toward the wall, and turned so that the curvature of her body could be seen, the paint on her skin clearly visible.
Bex swallowed. Wow.
“Yes, rainbow girl,” said Bex. “You’re the most beautiful art that I’ve ever seen.” She wasn’t the best photographer in the world, but she tried to recall anything she’d ever heard about composition and lined up the camera so that just the top of Faith’s arse was in frame, and then the nape of her neck, with hair curling above the painted skin.
The contrast between the paint and the marks left by the branch seemed even more vivid on camera. Bex wasn’t sure if she’d ever seen something so erotic.
Wordlessly, she handed the phone over to Faith, who scrolled through the photos.