Page 125 of A Forever Love
Hearing his voice after a week, aware of the tension between him and Dad, has emotion twisting in my chest, threatening to spill over. “Yes, everything’s fine. The girls are here, and they filled me in on what happened in London, between you and Dad.”
He releases a shaky breath. “I swear, I wasn’t keeping anything from you. I just wanted you to recover first, Mere.”
“I know that. But what happens next?”
He takes a deep breath. “If only I knew, babe. But what I’m sure of is, I don’t want you to ever have to choose between me and your dad.”
My grip tightens on the phone. “I don’t want that either, Carter.”
He hums softly. “I know. Everything will be okay, I promise. We just need to give Keith some time to adjust to the idea of us.”
“I love hearing that word. Us,” I whisper.
“Me too. But I don’t want you to doubt even for a single moment that I’m not around. I’m right where we left off, Mere. I believe it’s my turn in our relationship to patiently wait for my love, and I’ll do that. I’ll wait until eternity if the reward is you.”
“How does it feel to have your arm back?” Clem asks as Dad parks outside her workplace.
“Like I can do so much more.” I move my fresh-out-of-a-cast hand slowly in the air. “I feel like I’ve got some sort of superhuman power.”
“Have fun with your newfound talent, bestie.” She chuckles before getting out. “We’ll celebrate once I’m back home in the evening.”
I wave goodbye and get into the passenger seat.
“Ready to head home?” Dad asks as I fasten my seat belt.
I nod, and as we navigate the bustling city square, I realize it’s been ages since I rode with Dad in this area, which used to be one of our most visited places while I was growing up. An unease settles in my stomach, indecision creeping through my veins. Just as I’m grappling with my thoughts, the universe seems to lend a hand. Dad unexpectedly makes a left turn instead of driving straight. “Looks like they just started on some work.” He motions at the two construction vans and the men in neon jackets and orange helmets.
Summoning my courage, I finally ask, “Dad, since we’re here, can we visit Mom?”
His head turns toward me briefly before returning his gaze to the street. “Um, sure, honey.” Following our usual routine, he parks the car outside the florist. I head straight to the tulip aisle and pick out the freshest bouquet of pink flowers.
When I’m at the counter, Dad is waiting with white lilies.
“These are for…?” I ask cautiously.
His brow furrows as he looks between the bouquet in his hand and me. “I thought you’d also like to visit Lily King.”
“Carter’s Mom is here?”
“You didn’t know?” His frown deepens when I shake my head. “But you were here with him on your birthday?” Dad’s voice is devoid of any accusation. It’s a simple question with nothing but surprise in it.
“He must have wanted it to be just Mom and me,” I reply slowly. “Thanks for choosing this one, Dad.”
Once we pass through the gates, Dad asks, “Where do you want to go?”
“Can we see Lily first and then sit with Mom?”
Dad and I stand before Lily’s stone, and as I read the words Darling Daughter, Wonderful Sister, Best Mother, I can’t help but imagine Carter as he must have stood here four years ago, filled with guilt and regret.
This life is too short to be living on what-ifs. The only certain thing is the present moment. I decide instantly that I cannot wait for happiness to come and find me any longer. I’m going to chase it myself.
“What a pleasant surprise!”
Dad and I turn around at Uncle Connor’s voice. Along the paved dirt road, he wheels his chair, with Birdie trailing behind him.