Page 127 of A Forever Love
“Not completely. I like working with Kristy, and the work Elixir does. As much as I love Carter, I don’t think I’m a perfect fit for the security biz.”
“I cannot believe this! All our school life, every science project was somehow related to personal security, because you were crazy about it.” Brandon’s face is devoid of any humor, and it almost makes me chuckle.
“Can you blame me for not liking something now that I enjoyed as a teen?”
“And you’re okay with Carter hiring someone else as Gavin King’s replacement?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Yes, of course. But why are you so interested in Carter’s business all of a sudden?” His unexpected interest in Kings Security is making me suspicious.
“Because he offered that position to me.” Brandon leans back in his chair.
“He did what?”
“Now who’s shocked?”
I ignore his smart-ass response and ask, “When?”
“Two nights back. We were out at dinner, and he offered me the job.”
“You went to dinner with Carter?”
He’s quiet for a beat, prompting my next question.
I gasp. “You guys have gone out more than once?”
“I thought you’d be happy, Mere. Are you jealous that your best friend and your boyfriend are hanging out together?”
Am I? But why?
I take a moment to reply slowly, “Um…no. What did you two even talk about?” I try to think of anything the two men have in common but come up empty-handed.
“Life. Hobbies. It was very enlightening,” Brandon drawls and the smug expression on his face says it all—he’s loving my shock and confusion.
“Wow! I can’t believe it.” But I decide not to give him more satisfaction at my expense and ask, “So, are you planning to accept the offer?”
“That’s why I called you, Mere. You know very well I’ve never taken an internship or job without going over the pros and cons with you.”
And that statement is enough to make me smile. “It means you like it enough to seriously consider it.”
“To be honest, I’m surprised myself. I more than like it.” He runs a hand down his face. “So, what do you think? Should I take it?”
“Brandon! You would be amazing in this position. Carter and Kings Security would be lucky to have you.”
“That I don’t know about, Mere. But I’d certainly like to do something with more meaning and purpose in my life.”
“I get it. You don’t need to explain that to me. And I’m really happy for you.”
“Thanks.” He grins on the screen. “How’s life in St. Peppers?”
“It’s good, most of the time.”
“Your dad will come around, Mere. Someone has to be blind to not see that you and Carter are meant to be.”
“Thank you for saying that.”