Page 55 of Locked Souls
“Wait. This is news to me. Why would you want my dad and step-mom here? Does she know you're still alive?”
So much has happened in the last few weeks, and my head hurts. We didn't expect to roll up to the cabin and see ghosts from our past. Let alone have to stay here for our protection.
“I called her last week and we had a long talk. I told her, with Dad's permission, of course. She didn't take it well, but… She must have forgiven him if they are coming here.”
Phillipe plops down in Pay's old seat and groans. “Yeah, I'm not ready to see my ex-wife, but it's been a long time. Hopefully, she's lost her desire to smash my head in with her stilettos.”
Everyone laughs at how true that is about Pay's mom, and we end the night plotting our next moves.
I'm about to go to bed, following the rest of our rag-tag group, when I get an alert on the security system.
There is an unknown car coming down the driveway. Rooke meets me at the door, and I grab a gun from under the table, where we taped it for emergencies.
Opening the door, we leave the porch lights off and move along the edge of the house, staying in the shadows.
A man exits the car with a groan, before bending down to touch his toes and stretching.
“Should have taken the SUV,” he grumbles, then stands and cracks his neck with a yawn.
Reaching back into the car, I'm on high alert, waiting for him to pull a weapon, but all he grabs is his phone.
“Yeah, I'm here. Can you tell Jacob to let them know. I'm fucking wiped and hungry. I don't need a bullet in my ass too,” he mutters with a groan.“Thanks.”
My phone rings, alerting him to our hiding spot, and I curse my idiocy. I should have turned the ringer off.
“The Scorpion has arrived. Fill him in on your next steps, and then get your asses to Holy Cross.”
I snort at how rude The Dragon is. He didn't even let me say a word to him before hanging up.
“Ummm, hey, I'm Jonas,” the man calls out, squinting to try and see me and Rooke.
Rooke smacks my shoulder as he passes me, walking over to Jonas, holding his hand out in greeting.
“I'm Rooke. Batman over there is Kian. Let's get you inside. We have some leftover nachos.”
“Fuck, that sounds amazing. Thanks.”
Jonas follows Rooke, and I stay five steps behind them, watching our surroundings. It seems safe, for the time being, but that's not comforting.
Nixen and his group of perverts are closing in on us, and soon we will all need to make some hard decisions.
Chapter 16
When we walked back into this place of horrors, I threw up. Finding out Tempest was gone was the last straw, and Snake and I left immediately.
Chastity cried and gave us both death-grip hugs. I didn’t want to leave them, but I knew I had to.
If there is any way to help Tempest, like I did Patience and Rooke, I will. No one deserves to be in this place. Especially Chas’ best friend.
I was never close with her, but I know how much she loves my girl, and how instrumental she was in helping her to heal.
I guess I owe her in a way, and now it’s time to return the favor.
“Where the hell have you been?” Nixen sneers, stomping over to me. He looks like shit.
His hair is unwashed and his face is covered in stubble. He also smells. The aroma of cigar smoke and liquor is leaking from his pores.
“Had some vacation time. Boss Lady knew,” I reply easily, keeping my temper in check.