Page 73 of Locked Souls
“Tiny but vicious,” Rooke says with a dark chuckle. “She’s all yours, Ladies.”
Tempest grins when she finds a nail gun, and Patience shrugs as she picks up an ax. Isabella is a sick person to have brought any of this in as part of her plans to hurt us.
You don’t bring in a torture table unless you plan to use it. Sadly for her, it will now be used against her.
Isabella’s fancy heels are thrown to the side as Tempest nails her toes to the floor, and Patience uses the handle of the ax to beat Isabella.
“Please! Fuck!” Isabella screams, but it falls on deaf ears.
While watching Nixen get burned and beaten turned my stomach, being in the thick of punishing the woman who made my life hell, doesn’t bother me as much as I expect.
I’m not sure what that says about me, but I’ll make my peace with God when it comes to it.
“You don’t get mercy,” I snarl, dropping my sledgehammer. My arms are getting tired. Levi hands me pincers with a smirk, and I realize it’s connected to a car battery.
“Where did you find this?” I ask, breathing hard. I really need to get into the gym or something. This is a workout I didn’t plan for.
“You three were busy, and didn’t even notice when we returned. Hook her up to this and let her writhe,” he says with a wink. “I think you’ll enjoy it.”
“Hook one up to her toe, and put the other on the bitch’s nipple,” Tempest suggests, moving to stand beside me.
Pay snorts as she rips Isabella's shirt open. “You girls know how to party,” she replies. A pair of large shears are handed to her and I smirk, loving how helpful the guys are.
“What are you doing?! Wait!” Isabella begs as Patience cuts through her bra, so it gapes open.
The clamp needs to be placed on a larger area of skin, so very clinically, Tempest and Patience squeeze and pull at her nipple until it’s peaked enough, and the clamp can be placed correctly.
The other is easily placed on Isabella’s toe, and smiling at our handiwork, I step back with the girls, nodding for Levi to flip the switch.
“I wish Ash was here to watch her dance,” he whispers as he turns it on. I can’t help but agree.
There are so many evils in the world. I never thought a woman could sexually violate a man, until I spoke to Ash about the horrors he endured.
Isabella’s body is racked with electrical waves from the car battery, as the high-voltage slams through her.
She stiffens and writhes with each wave that hits her, her mouth falling open in a silent scream as the pain takes her voice from her. Patience, Tempest, and I hold each other’s hands as we watch impassively, as if she were nothing more than an insect.
“I wonder how long it’ll take for the electricity to make her heart stop?” I ask idly. “Patience, what else do you want to do before we let her die?”
Isabella is still bleeding from the flesh wound Patience gave her when she shot her. It’s not enough to kill her yet, sadly.
“I want to hack her body into little pieces,” she mutters. “Fuck, that was an intrusive thought.”
“Eh, we’re going to kill her anyway,” I say as I shrug my shoulders, before handing her the ax. There’a a meat cleaver and a machete scattered along the table as well, making me smile.
“I think this is the perfect time to let those intrusive thoughts take over. The bitch won’t tell me where my daughter is. Maybe this will help loosen her tongue.”
Levi turns off the battery, making it safe enough for me to get in the bitch’s face.
“Where’s my baby, Isabella?” I ask her.
I doubt she heard what I said about the axes. With so much pain racking through her body, the rest of her faculties are less likely to work. I know from experience, unfortunately.
“In Hell!” she screams, gasping for air as her body continues to twitch. “You don’t deserve to have children, not as a sinner. You’re a whore! Are you fucking all of these people?”
Rolling my eyes, I shrug. “The people in this room? I’m married to the person I happen to be fucking, thank you very much,” I remind her. “I’m not the one who was running a sex trafficking ring.”
“It was a business!” Isabella snarls, trying to spit at me. Levi snaps the battery back on, watching as her body dances to the tune of the electricity.