Page 74 of Locked Souls
Turning it off, he says, “Let’s refrain from calling my wife a whore. I, for one, am ready to go home. Anyone else? I don’t think she’s going to tell you, Little Sinner. I can attempt to torture it out of her for you?”
Gazing at Isabella’s eyes, I see the truth shining before me, despite her pain. No matter how much we torture her, I don’t think she even knows. It was all a lie. Angel isn’t with her, and probably hasn't been for a while.
“Did you sell my baby?” I ask, tears filling my eyes.
“You didn’t deserve her, and Draven decided that he didn’t want a brat when he got divorced,” Isabella sneers, triumph shining in her eyes. “How does it feel to know that no matter what, you’ve lost?!”
It feels like shit.
Patience presses the handle of an ax into my hand, and I take a shaky gasp. Isabella is still hooked up to the car battery, but it doesn’t matter.
I raise the ax, bringing it down hard where the clamps connected to her breast, slicing her nipple right off.
Tempest, Patience, and I scream as we hack away at her body. Isabella cries and yells, until finally, I swing wide and behead her completely, effectively silencing the bitch for good.
Breathing hard, the three of us lean on each other as we toss our weapons on top of the body parts littering the ground.
“I think it’s time we go home,” Levi says softly. “Patience, why don’t you come with us while all of this is cleaned up? Take a shower, process, and then we'll go from there.”
We’re covered in blood splatter, looking like living, breathing creatures of vengeance. If anyone saw us right now, we’d definitely scare them, looking like something straight out of a Halloween movie.
“A shower sounds good,” Patience groans, sighing. “Maybe a nap too.”
“You three deserve it,” Rooke says, pressing a kiss to her temple. The blood doesn’t seem to bother him.
Jacob waits for me outside the door, but he peeks his head inside. His lips purse and he nods. “Just wanted to make sure she was gone. You did good, Little Sis. You all did. Let's get out of here and torch the place.”
“Has everyone been evacuated? Did you find Ash?” Levi asks and Jacob sighs, following as Jacob leads them out.
“We did. He's in one of the ambulances headed back to the Academy. He's in rough shape, but I think he's going to be okay.”
“He saved me,” Tempest whispers, her eyes tired and filled with tears. “Isabella tried to assault me, and Ash took the brunt instead.”
Patience sighs. “Your men all seem to do the whole knight-in-shining-armor thing, huh? Jonas almost took a bullet for me earlier.”
My eyes widen, and I cover my mouth as I gasp. Patience waves her hand dismissively.
“He’s totally fine. Bast, on the other hand, may have gotten knocked out,” she mumbles, and my feet are moving before anyone can stop me. My ribs ache, but I don’t care. I have to get outside, and I’ll need a ride to the Academy straight away.
Finding out that Chastity was missing was just the cherry on top of a shit-tastic day. Rome didn't sleep for most of the night, and then Jacob and I had a huge fight before he left to go running into a psychopath's lair, all guns blazing.
He's obsessed with thinking that Tempest and I have some secret thing going on. I have never, and will never, cheat on him.
Yes, I have feelings for her. That kind of thing happens when you spend every day together for almost two years, while sharing parenting responsibilities.
I love Tempest, but once again, I would never act on those feelings without telling Jacob first. So for him to then say that if anything happens to him, I should marry Tempest and have more babies… It was hurtful.
As if I could just forget about him and move on like that.
Ugh, I'm still fucking angry about it as I help Sister Anna change diapers. Rome and Eli's stomachs did not like the prune juice Grandma Cross gave them.
“Let me take these outside so they don't stink up the place,” I suggest, and Sister Anna nods.
As I leave the ceremony room and reach the main floor, my phone is going off like crazy.
I know who it is, and I'm not ready to talk to them. I'm not ready to fuck up my life, but I know it’s only a matter of time.