Page 69 of Velvet Vendetta
“Like you could for attempted rape!” Stacy’s voice booms from the door.
I pivot and breathe a sigh of relief before rushing toward her, engulfing her in a bear hug. “Oh, thank God, Stacy. I was so worried.” I pull away from her and see the fury in her eyes. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to spook Lancelot.”
“You didn’t.” Stacy gives me a tight smile and looks past me. “He did when he tried to rip me off the horse.”
I feel Pavel stiffen beside me. “Maybe you ladies should go inside.” His voice is low, controlled, and deadly.
“No!” Stacy and I say in unison.
“I want to know how he found us.” My eyes narrow, looking at Donald. “Stacy, is this that Donald?”
She nods. “That’s him.”
“Stacy, my little whore, did you tell them about our night together?” Donald sighs. “I’ve never been able to get it out of my mind. I could kill that fucking bastard Lev Belov for interrupting what was going to be your second obedience lesson.”
“She’s not a fucking dog, you sick bastard!” I can’t help it.
The anger overwhelms me before I can bite it back. I fly across the room, my eyes catching a battery with jumper cables on it.
“Aww, coming to play, Isabella?” Donald leers. “I must admit, I promised I wouldn’t touch you, but after feeling your tight little ass against my cock…”
Before I can stop it, my hand grabs the jumper cables, flips the switch, and the next thing I know a howl is splitting the air. It sounds like a siren going off. It’s so loud in my ears.
“Well, fuck me!” Somewhere through the screams, I hear Pavel’s voice. “I guess it’s true about angry hormonal women.”
As the ringing in my ears clears and the rage inside me starts to subside, clearing the haze, I hear clapping and cheers behind me. I blink for a minute before the world comes back into view, and my eyes widen.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck!” I see that one of the clamps from the jumper is attached to Donald’s pants.
“Remind me never to piss you off.” Pavel snorts, looking behind me at one of the men. “Get something to wake this fuckhead up.” He looks at me. “Are you okay?”
“Did I…” I feel shaky. “Did I kill him?”
“Nah!” Pavel shakes his head. “The amps were barely turned up. It would’ve given him a jolt, but the clamp to the nuts…” He sucks in his breath and shudders. “The pain made him pass out. Seems the prick loves to dish out what he can’t handle himself.”
Oh, God, did I just torture someone? My stomach starts to roll, and I can taste bile rising into my throat. “I’m going to be sick.”
“Quick,” Pavel yells over my head. “Bring the bucket.”
As soon as the bucket is shoved near me, I empty the contents of my stomach.
“Bring a chair,” Pavel orders, and when it’s pushed near me, he gently helps me into it.
“Bella.” Stacy rushes to my side. “Jesus, that was badass.” Her eyes were wide. “You killed a man for me.”
“He’s not dead.” Pavel pulls a chair for Stacy. “You ladies sure you want to stay for this?”
“I have to learn to face this!” Stacy nods at Pavel and grabs my hand.
“Wake him up.” Pavel indicates to one of the men with them.
“What…” Donald’s head shoots up when something is shoved beneath his nose.
“Are you ready to talk?” Pavel stands with his back to us, blocking our view, or Donald’s view of us.
“What happened?” Donald winces. “Why am I so—that fucking bitch. I’m going to kill her.”
“I’d be really careful what you say right now,” Pavel warns him, stepping aside. “I was torn about how to torture you before I started getting answers from you. You know how you like to torture women to get your rocks off.“ He laughs. “I bet even if you somehow manage to get out of here, you won’t be doing that for a while.” He shakes his head. “I’m almost tempted just to let you go for that reason alone.”