Page 70 of Velvet Vendetta
“They’ll come for me when I don’t get back with the whores,” Donald hisses.
Pavel leans over and picks up the jumper lead clamp, snapping it a few times. “Be very careful what you say about the ladies of the house.”
“You think those are ladies?” Donald sneers.
Before he can say another word, Pavel has his hand on Donald’s mouth, forcing his jaw open and sticking the clamp in Donald’s mouth.
“Let’s try this again, shall we?” Pavel stares into Donald’s eyes, which are now filled with terror. “Nod, if you understand.”
Donald nods. Pavel steps back.
“You’re all fucking crazy!” Donald yells. “I swear you’re all going to pay.” He starts to laugh. “You won’t even see it coming.”
Pavel clicks and clicks the clamp, and Donald goes quiet. “Now, we can do this the quick and easy way, or we can do it the hard way.” He leans down as Donald is at least three inches shorter than Pavel. “I always prefer people like you to do things the hard way. But I don’t have time to indulge in my favorite hobby, which is finding the perfect form of torture.”
“You’re fucking sick.” Donald spits.
“Maybe.” Pavel shrugs. “But I don’t pick on innocent women and children like you do. This isn’t about getting to know each other; it’s about you telling me what I want to know. Again, you get to choose whether we do this the quick and easy way or the hard way.”
“Are you crazy? They’ll kill me.” Donald’s eyes fill with fear.
“Well, I’ll get to do it first as I’m right here, and I don’t even know who they are yet.“ Pavel’s voice changes to one of compassion. “But I can see how scared you are of them. So how about this? You tell me what I want to know, and I’ll protect you from them.”
“Really?” Donald’s eyes widen in disbelief.
“I think we can make a deal.” He turns to us and winks at Stacy. “What do you say, Stacy? If he tells us what we want to know, can I let him go?”
“And protect me from them,” Donald adds.
Pavel smiles at her, and it is not a nice smile. It’s a play-along smile.
“Y… yes.” Stacy nods, and her hand tightens in mine.
“It’s going to be okay, Stace.” I move closer to her.
Pavel turns back to Donald. “How about it?”
“I don’t know,” Donald starts to have doubts.
“Okay, well then, you’re not worth anything to us if you’re not going to talk anyway.” Pavel sighs. “Hard way it is, then.” He cocks his head without turning. “Stacy, could you come here, please?”
Stacy hesitates.
“It’s okay, Stace.” I rub her arm and encourage her. I can tell she is terrified. That fucking bastard really did a number on her.
Pavel hands her the jumper cable. “Did you ever play that game pin the tail on the donkey?”
Stacy nods.
“Well, we’re going to play snap the jumper cable on the trespasser that tried to rape you and Isabella in the same afternoon,” Pavel tells her. “Now, close your eyes. I’ll push you forward. As we walk forward, remember everything this bastard did to you. Then, on the count of three, reach out and attach the jumper cable to him.”
I see Stacy suck in her breath and close her eyes. Pavel leans over and turns up the voltage.
“Ready?” he asks Stacy.
“Ready.” Stacy stammers.
“Stacy!” Donald starts getting scared. “I command you to stop. Get on your knees. Beg for my mercy because I swear to God, when I get out of here, I’ll make sure you suffer.”