Page 23 of His Human Rebel
I guide her forward. And she soon begins answering questions and getting to know all the employees who are unusually eager to talk to my gorgeous female.
The dining hall is small but cozy. There is a small fireplace and a wooden table with enough chairs for everyone. Stella takes a place at the table right next to me. I sit up with pride and give a glare of challenge toward all the other males assembled nearby.
The plates are passed down and the food is served.
She chats and eats at the long table. “The dinner is very good. I love the meat. Thank you for cooking this wonderful meal,” she tells the cook, who beams with pride.
My female can’t drink fire ale, but instead I give her molten sweet drink, which is also flamed but perfect for children and pregnant females. I cut all of her meat to accommodate her lack of sharp teeth and blow out all of her flames.
She loves to talk and her pleasant, loud voice carries far across the table so they can all hear her engaging stories. Her nervousness has disappeared and she seems loose and happy. None of these Hyrrokin have ever had the opportunity to speak to a human, so they ask her many questions and she patiently answers all of them.
I lean back and watch her with pride. She is fabulous. How could her community on New Earth have let such a smart, generous, vivacious female slip through their claws? Their loss is my gain.
After dessert we move outside to the firepit behind the barracks. All of us have more fire ale.
I find a comfortable wooden reclining chair for Stella and she takes the seat. Then I growl at the younger male who tries to take the seat directly next to her. He scurries away and I sit next to her.
She laughs heartily at the jokes the men tell. Then two of them stand before the fire and act out a great fire hunt from ancient times, complete with arcs of flame from their own jaws. She shrieks but then claps with delight.
Finally, I glance over and see her eyelids falling. She is growing tired. “Do you want to return to the house?”
“Not yet,” she sighs. “I think I’m just suffering from the time difference. On New Earth it would be much later at night. I need to try and force myself to stay up a bit longer. Plus, it’s so beautiful out here. What a gorgeous summer evening. Thank you for inviting me.”
I stand and scoop her out of the chair, lifting her in my arms, then sit back in my own reclining chair, with my female on my lap and against my chest.
“What? Oh, you don’t have to do this. I’m…I’m sort of heavy. Am I squishing you?”
“Heavy? You are small and light as air.”
“I love it when you say that.”
“Did Stella say she was too heavy for you to hold?” Lorn loudly questions.
They all chuckle because it’s a good joke.
I wrap my arms around her. “You looked cold. I will keep you warm.”
She leans against me and rests her cheek against my chest. “Ooh, you are warm.” Then she sighs with delight and snuggles closer.
Pride glows in my chest as I hold her close in front of all the other males. I know they are jealous that I have a female who allows me to protect her in this way. This is another mark of my possession. I have not yet mated with her, nor have I walked with her to the courthouse. She does not carry my offspring in her womb, but they know she is mine and that I am protecting them both.
More stories are told and there is another flame throwing contest. Then the fire begins to die down and I decide it’s time to take her back to our bed. She’s done her best, trying to remain awake, but she is falling asleep. I gently shake her awake. “We are leaving.”
She rubs at her eyes. “Oh, okay. Are you sure? I can stay as long as you want.”
I lift her from my lap and place her on her feet. “No, we both need to sleep.”
“I want to check on the kittens too.”
We say our goodbyes and I guide her back. As we walk to the house I can imagine doing this always and in the future with small children in tow. It is definitely a time in my life when I’m ready for a mate and offspring.
I open the front door and then sweep her into my arms again and carry her upstairs.
She wraps her arms around my neck and holds on tight. “I can’t believe you’re doing this again. No one has carried me since my mother when I was a child.”
“I will carry you often.”
In the hallway I set her down on her small feet, covered by those thin foot coverings. I open the bedroom door and we both step inside.