Page 24 of His Human Rebel
Stella rushes to the cage in the corner and checks on the tiny beasts. They cry out a greeting. She opens the door and they both come rushing out to play.
The small beast with entirely black fur races across my foot. “When Lucy first brought these two, I took them into the barn because that’s where all my other animals remained, so it seemed appropriate. I must admit they are both adorable yet fierce, with their small fangs. I suppose I wouldn’t mind if these two lived in the house with us.”
“Good, because that’s where they are staying,” Stella chuckles. Then she squeaks with surprise when I flash flame to start the fireplace. “Are you going to do that every day?”
“Yes, that’s why there is a fireplace downstairs and one in every bedroom and even my office. Hyrrokin enjoy open flames nearby.”
She puts both small beasts back inside the cage and then stands and stares at the bed and then at me.
“Yes, we are sleeping here together tonight,” I confirm.
She wrings her hands. “But you said that you are constantly, um, hard, for me and that you want to…”
A grin widens across my face. “You’re concerned that I cannot control myself?”
“I’m not a human male,” I remind her. “I am making a vow to my mate that I will not touch you until you request relief.”
“Relief?” she chuckles.
I take a deep breath. “Your arousal is still thick in the air. And it is only for me. I confirmed this when we were with the others. Only my touch will bring you relief.”
She places her hands on her hips. “I just think I need to be clear with you. Yes, you’re rich, but this isn’t a reason for me to stay with you. I don’t need a man to take care of me financially. I can take care of myself. I need a man to be a friend, a lover and someone who cares about me and I care about him. I will stay with you if you treat me as an equal and with respect. And I need someone who will accept my child and be a good father. If you can’t do those things, I’m out in a hot second and on the next transporter disk to New Earth.”
“You also need a mate who can satisfy you sexually.”
“This is true.”
“I am that male.”
“I think you are…it’s just that…”
I wait quietly.
She waves a hand at me. “I’ve now come to realize that you’re quieter than me. You spoke to me a lot when we were alone, but when we were with the others you were quiet. You seem to be the type that only speaks when you have something important to say. I bet if I wasn’t asking so many questions you would be very quiet. You don’t mind that I talk so much?” she questions. “Because I’ve always been like this and I don’t see myself changing.”
I snort but don’t respond.
“I suppose that means yes?” Stella stares at my chest and down toward my tented crotch. She bites at her lip. “I’m…I’m going to use the bathroom.” She scurries away and shuts the bathroom door behind her.
I chuckle as I stride to the closet to change. Off go the pants and now I have on nothing but thin sleep shorts and no underwear. My shaft is as thick as ever, still ready to perform. It aches and needs relief too, but I can wait for her to request my touch. I suspect I will not have long to wait. I’ve had more than one mated male confess in my presence about tending to a pregnant mate who needed extra sexual relief. I suppose Hyrrokin and human females will not be all that different in this respect.
I enter the bedroom again. The door that connects the bathroom and the closet opens and closes. I use the restroom myself and then return to the bed and pull down the covers on both sides. Then I lie down with a smirk on my face and my hands resting on my chest.
The closet opens and she stands there, staring at me with a hungry gaze. “Can’t you wear more clothes than that?”
“This is comfortable.”
“But I can clearly see the outline of your…”
I shrug. “This is what you do to me.”
“You’re not playing fair.”
“Neither are you.”
She tugs at the bottom of her short nightgown that barely covers her ass and shows me most of her glorious breasts.