Page 25 of His Human Rebel
Her odd human “hair” attractive, which is odd considering my whole life I’ve admired a female with a nice shine on her head and particularly sharp horns. But I can easily imagine myself holding onto that soft hair and fucking her from behind. “You are barely dressed,” I explain. “Your follicles are tied higher off your shoulders and neck, allowing me to see more of the curve of your head, which is enticing to a Hyrrokin male. This is as difficult for me as it is for you.”
Stella touches the fall of soft human follicles affixed to the top of her head. She bites her luscious lip, looking doubtful, then strides over to her side of the bed and lies down too, imitating my own sleep position.
We turn our heads at the same time and make eye contact.
“It’s too soon,” she tells me. “I know that sounds odd coming from me, the woman who had a one-night stand with a stranger which resulted in this pregnancy, but that was sort of a crazy night. I’d gone on vacation and was hanging with girlfriends from college and we went out and drank too much, and I ended up meeting someone and doing something I wouldn’t usually do. But I want you to know the reason why I feel like I need to take things slower with you is because…I, um, I consider this more special? I want this to be real and that makes me overthink things.”
“I consider this special too. We will touch when you decide and you tell me exactly what you want.”
Her eyes trail up and down my body, starting at my shoulders and down to my tented crotch. “I would love it if we slept close. If I could snuggle with you like we did outside in the chair. But that’s all we do, snuggle.”
“I would also enjoy sleeping with you so close,” I agree. “Your scent in my lungs will help me sleep better.”
I reach out an arm and she smiles with delight and moves close. In a moment I have her in my arms. I turn to face her and she turns towards me. We move and adjust until she is curled in close and both my arms are around her. I place my chin on top of her head.
She takes a deep breath and doesn’t say a word, which is unusual for Stella, considering her love of speaking.
Soon I hear only the crackle of the fire and her even breaths.
And then my own eyes drop and I fall into a deep, contented sleep.
Chapter 9
The next morning I’m immediately hit with a powerful wave of nausea.
I’m snuggled against Rake’s brawny, sexy chest, his hot erection prodding against my stomach. This is a dilemma because his warm skin and bare chest are the best cushions of all time. Puffs of white smoke float out of his red nostrils. His black, barbed tail rests on my hip. This man’s body is so much bigger than mine and I feel petite, which has never happened in my entire life. I could stay here all day and all night, just soaking in this luxurious male attention.
But if I don’t move immediately, I might literally vomit on our sheets. I let out cries of distress, scoot off the bed and race for the bathroom.
I get there in time to violently throw up in the toilet.
And Rake is standing behind me, gently holding back my hair. “All done?”
“Yes,” I groan. “I’m done.”
He flushes the toilet and hands me a glass of water to drink.
“Thank you,” I gasp and then gulp down half the contents and hand it back to him. “It’s crazy how fast I feel better after I throw up. You’d think I was sick, but I’ve learned last week that if I get that out, I’m able to move on with my day as if it didn’t happen.”
I stand and use the mouth cleanser and tie my messy hair up again. Then I glance over at the huge Hyrrokin who is waiting in the doorway. “I’m so embarrassed. I’m sorry you had to wake up to that.”
“There is no need. It is my job to help you. And you warned me and I’m here to help. You are doing the main job of bringing our new offspring into the world, the least I can do is to make sure you are comfortable while this occurs.”
I stare at him, amazed at his kind words. I really like this guy. I’ve only known him for basically twenty-four hours and I’m starting to feel like he could be the one. He’s so easy to talk to, I feel as if we’re already best friends. I’ve heard of people falling in love instantly and thought that was a bunch of lust-driven crazy talk, but I’m starting to understand that maybe they were speaking the truth.
“Do you want to get dressed for the day and go downstairs?” he questions. “Or do you want to go back to bed and continue to rest?”
“Do you need to leave for work right now?”
“I have some time. There is no rush.”
“Oh good, well…can we go back to bed and snuggle some more?”
“Yes,” he smiles.