Page 109 of Beautiful Chaos
We walked up the steps that led to the grand entrance. The heavy wooden doors creaked as they swung open, displaying the large round table in the middle of the foyer, and a large vase full of red roses, and Sunflowers sat in the center.
A familiar scent of pine and wood polish hit my senses. My father was anal about the cleanliness of our home. He made the staff polish all the wood with a specific polish three times daily. No exceptions. He hated fingerprints or smudges on the furniture, even as a young child I wasn’t allowed to touch most of the furniture. Some of the rooms were even off-limits for me.
It didn’t bother me much because most of my time was spent in my wing or outside explorer with my mother, after her death it was whichever nanny, I had for that week until I got older.
“Hey, you okay?” Harper interrupted my thoughts with her gentle voice, laced with genuine concern. She placed a palm on my face and gently kissed my lips. I laced my fingers in hers and led her toward the spiraled staircase.
Strolling down the hallway, I spotted a bunch of pictures on the walls that weren’t there back when I lived here. Photos of family get-togethers and snaps from my folks’ wedding day. It was so unexpected that I had to pause and soak it all up. My father never allowed me to display family or friends on the walls, he said it placed a target on their backs.
“It’s weird these halls were always filled with priceless art pieces and a portrait of my great great granddad. I have never seen most of these photos.” I stood there trying to memorize each photo. Harper walked up to them, one by one her eyes roamed over every detail.
A man clearing his throat startled me from my haze. I reached out and grabbed Harper by the waist and pulled her in close to me. I know my father is gone but he had a lot of enemies. I told Luka I wouldn’t require guards until tomorrow, but suddenly I regretted that decision.
The noises came from a large room that was used as my father’s home office. It was slightly bigger than a normal home office and felt much colder.
The door was pulled closed, the light seeped into the hall from underneath the door frame. Then the faint sound of a man cursing under his breath followed by a loud bang made me wish Harper wasn’t here with me. I had a small firearm tucked in my boot but pulling it out on some stranger who was squatting in my family home wasn’t the first experience I wanted for Harper.
We walked toward the door. I put Harper close behind me and I quickly opened it.
“Jesus, son you scared the shit out of me. I didn’t hear you two get in.” Chester leaned over the large mahogany desk covered in paperwork organized in stacks. Each one is marked with a colorful tab.
“Names Chester, darling, I was a good friend of Mr. Whitlock Sr. Pleased to meet you.” his eyes roamed over Harper’s body while he waited for Harper to take his hand, which she did so hesitantly while eyeing me for a reaction, or maybe my approval.
I gave her a tiny nod barely noticeable to anyone not paying attention and since Chester was busy getting an eye full of my girl’s luscious body, he didn’t see it. However, he did hear the deep growl I let out when his gaze landed on Harper’s chest. He gripped her hand and tried to pull it toward his lips, but I snatched her hand from him just in time to stop him. “Keep your lips to yourself, what are you doing here?” I snapped.
“Oh, I see you have some bad blood between us. Well, let me be quick so I can get on down the road, I have all the forms that we need to be signed to transfer the deed into the new owner’s family name. Once these are signed and filed, I’ll have all I need to finalize the sale to transfer the funds to your account.” He waved his arm over the forms.
Fucking bastard. I can’t stand to share the same air with him.
“I’ll get them all signed before we leave Sunday and have them hand-delivered to your office. Now if you don’t mind Harper has had a long day.” I leaned in close, wrapping my arm around her waist, I kissed her temple.
He smirked as if he was picking up on some non-existent hidden message.
I left Harper in the Office while I walked Chester to the front door. Locking the door behind him, I called Luka to arrange guards for tonight. When I went back upstairs, I found Harper in the hall. She was holding a large gold frame in her hand. At first, I didn’t see who was in the photo.
“This is your mother, isn’t it?”
It was a picture of my mom by the apple tree I love most on our land. She was about seven months along with me. She looked stunning. Her dark hair fell straight down her back, and she held onto her pregnant belly, looking right at the camera, her eyes sparkling with hope and joy.
She would have loved Harper. She always told me to never settle in life and to always do what makes me happy.
Harper makes me happy.
Harper looked at me with something I couldn’t explain in her eyes.
Sadness? worry? Maybe heartbreak, whatever it was I wanted to do everything I could to take it away and fast. I reached for the frame, but she pulled away holding it against her chest.
“She was so happy in this photo, she wanted you,” she said in a small voice and suddenly I realized what that look was about. Her mother never wanted her. I paused a moment trying to figure out the right thing to say to ease her pain, but she put me out of my misery when she spoke first.
“Jasper, can we take this one home with us? It would be a beautiful piece to add to the hall next to the photo of the two of us at the engagement party.”
My heart swelled with something completely unfamiliar.
I nodded, unable to form words, and pulled her in for a hug. I held her in my arms for a few minutes just breathing in her scent, and trying to absorb all the good she radiated,
“You’re so damn perfect. Do you know that?” I whispered into her neck.
“Of course, we can take it home.”