Page 108 of Beautiful Chaos
“I get to pick the cake.” I giggled pulling him into a kiss that he deepened the moment I parted my lips. His hand gripped my hair keeping me flushed with him. He kissed me like it was his last breath. We only stopped when the need to breathe was undeniable.
The pilot issued the seat belt light, and since I was a scared little kitten when it came to flying, I insisted we take our seats. Even though Jasper tried to distract me, my newfound passion for life and what it meant to become Mrs. Jasper Whitlock was more important than his eager attempts to get me back in that bed.
He rolled his eyes but eventually agreed. We sat down and he reached over to fasten me in before he fastened his own seat belt. I leaned over resting my head on his shoulder glancing at my hand wrapped around his forearm, like my ring finger was sitting on a muscular, tattooed pedestal. He must have caught me staring because when I finally glanced his way, he wore a grin bright enough to light up the entire cabin.
Chapter 76
Istepped out onto the pavement where I stood, only days ago with Max. I hated having secrets between us, but I just asked her to marry me and call me selfish, I didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize this feeling of complete happiness.
Not yet.
I had already arranged for a car to be left for us before we arrived and since my girl had an unspoken taste for expensive cars, I requested a Ferrari 812 GTS. When Harper spotted it, her eyes widened.
“Is that for us?” she asked, pointing at the car; her mouth open mid-gawk. I gave her a nod before walking her over to the passenger door.
“Oh my gosh, she is beautiful,” she said slowly as she reached out running her hand over the exquisite interior. The Ferrari was a deep green color.
I didn’t request the color, that happened by pure coincidence.
I reached in and fastened her seat belt for her. She gave me a mischievous grin.
I wondered what that was about, but I didn’t have to wonder long because when I got into the driver’s seat she reached over and unfastened her seat belt, climbing into my lap and straddling me, she slammed her lips against mine. She kissed me hard and passionately like a deprived woman in need. My hands roamed her body in the heated moment. Grazing over every inch and every curve, I let her have complete control. I’m not one to easily give away my control, but for Harper, I’d make an exception.
I loved the way her curves felt under my hands, the way her silky skin was goose-bumped under my touch.
I don’t know where the feistiness came from, I could get used to this.
Once she had her fill of kisses she climbed back in her seat and chuckled.
“What was that about?” I asked smoothing down my shirt and fastening my seat belt. After I watched Harper refasten hers. I gave her a side eye and a raised brow when she didn’t answer.
“I’ve wanted to do that with you since the first time I rode in one of yours.”
I laughed at her bashful expression and the flush that washed over her face at her admittance. Her behavior was a stark contrast to her addictive demeanor only a few moments ago.
“Why wait until now, Doll?” I asked, curious about her switch-up. Where did she find the courage to take what she wanted?
Not that I’m complaining.
“I didn’t have the confidence until now, but I found it in you Jasper.” She answered.
I was shocked at her response but damn it if I wasn’t thrilled at the same time. I fucking loved what I do for her, what she does for me.
* * *
We stopped at the front gate of the Whitlock family mansion, I rolled down the window and entered the code on the small black keypad just like I had done more times than I could count. I felt strange, but at home, which is a feeling I never expected when I decided to come here. Harper grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze. She didn’t have to say anything for me to understand what it meant.
I pulled through the gates as they opened for me. The sound of gravel popping under the tires was the only sound as I slowly drove up to the front door, parking in the space that always had my father’s blacked-out Rolls-Royce parked there. Each day his driver was in the front seat reading a paper until he was called on.
I shifted the car into park, and paused, staring at the front door in the darkness. I arranged for housekeepers to clean, set up the furniture, and stock the refrigerator, hoping the house wouldn’t feel neglected when we arrived. The familiar setting brought back memories that caught me off guard.
“Are you okay Jasper? I’m sure we could find a hotel somewhere if this is too much. We could come back tomorrow during the day.” Harper’s sympathetic tone brought me out of my thoughts.
“No, I ‘ll be fine.” I gave her a small smile. I let out a deep sigh and reached for the door latch.
“Time to show you where I grew up.”