Page 16 of Say You Will
June 15th
T minus seven days
“Dare, we’ve got a problem.”
Me: slow pan to the left. I leveled a look of dagger sharpness at Terry. He took a step back. “I cannot deal with problems right now. Tell me you have a solution.”
“I’m on it.” He spun and dashed for the office.
I turned to Jake. “What was the problem?”
“Caterer’s license got pulled. We were providing the food, but they were going to cook and serve it, so Terry and I just had to man the bar.”
I pushed my face into my palms and sighed. “I just can’t anymore.” How wedding and party planners did this every week was beyond me. I’d stick with my day job, as stressful as it was, thank you very much. The clank of glass hitting wood had me raising my head. “You, my friend, are a god.”
Jake grinned, bracing himself on the edge of the bar. “You looked like you needed it. Don’t worry about the caterer. Terry has a couple of companies on speed dial. We’ll find somebody to cook and set up the buffet.”
“Okay,” I sighed. “If you tell me not to worry, I’ll try not to.” I took a long pull on the dark beer he’d settled beside me. “You hear about your mom’s dog?”
“Owen’s girlfriend’s graduation party?”
Jake straightened. “Owen’s got a girlfriend? First I’ve heard of it. Are you sure Seth isn’t trying to get out of coming? He’s done shit like that before. Gives you a song and a dance.” He accented his statement with jazz hands.
I snorted. “Maybe. Guess I’ll hope for the best.”
“You told him what you’re doing, right?”
“What are you doing?”
Ace’s voice raised the hairs on the back of my neck, my eyes rounding. Probably as big as Jake’s were looking.
I turned to my—hopefully—soon-to-be fiancé. “Nothing.” The lie just spilled out. Straight-faced and everything.
Ace stared at me. Piercingly. I was so fucked.
“You’re lying. It’s whatever this big secret is. How come Jake knows about it and I don’t?”
Fish had nothing on the impression I was doing of them.
“You’re still not going to tell me, huh?”
I shook my head, afraid if I worked my tongue, words I didn’t want to say would pop out.
He rolled his eyes, turned around, and left.
“I thought you said he was working tonight,” Terry said, sliding around the corner of the bar to stand next to Jake. He placed possessive hands on his partner, par for the course whenever they were near each other. I idolized their relationship. I’d known them for three years and they still acted like it was their honeymoon most of the time. Jake hugged Terry and placed a kiss on his temple.
I flipped over my phone I’d left resting screen down on the counter to see the notification light blinking. “That’s what he said… Aw, shit. He texted me thirty minutes ago telling me he got someone to cover the rest of his shift.” I glanced at the three-quarters-full pint, glanced at Terry and Jake, reached for the beer, and downed it. “I’m so screwed.”
“You’ll be fine.”
“Are you kidding me?” I yelled, slipping off the bar stool. “I’ll be lucky if he sleeps on the couch in the same house, let alone the same bed. He’s been pissed about ‘the secret’ since May. Maybe I should just get a motel room for the next week.”
“Darren!” Terry slammed his palm down on the bartop. “Don’t be an idiot. If it’s bothering you so bad, tell him. Or, at least, tell him it’s for his birthday. He’ll get it. Keep the rest secret.”
“Yeah…” I looked over at the door Ace had left by. “Maybe. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Let me know about the caterer.”