Page 25 of Lucky Score
"I'll fix the door tomorrow," I call out over my shoulder.
She doesn’t call after me as I trudge past the broken door, and I don’t blame her after what I just did.
I’m not interested in the crazy romance writer who tried to break into my house less than a couple of hours ago.
Besides my niece Cammy, no other woman has ever slept under this roof. And just up until a few hours ago when Brynn showed up, I had no plans to change that.
She might be beautiful with a body to match, but a bedroom wall is all I need to remind myself that Brynn Fischer, romance author and house crasher, is off-limits.
My hands ball up into fists as I march down the hallway, heading for the front door to turn on the generators.
There's only enough power to run the fridge and a few things during the night, but I can’t have the food in both mine and Rita’s refrigerators going bad.
Getting out of the house where Brynn is standing in my bathroom naked is probably not a bad idea either.
I knew letting her stay would be a problem, but I didn't have a choice when she showed up on my porch with nowhere else to go.
I flip the deadbolt and the lock on the front door and swing it open. I slam the door behind me to make sure it closes entirely in this wind, and to vent my frustration at my situation.
The wind is howling through the palm trees all around me. The rain hasn’t let up since Brynn arrived, and the moment I step off my covered porch and onto the white sand heading towards Rita’s, the rain continues to beat down on me, stinging as it pelts against my bare skin. I’ll happily take any distraction that puts as much distance between me and Brynn as possible.
I don’t like the way I instantly reacted to her when she called out for me, and I don’t like the way I was willing to do anything to gain access to her.
Having her body up against mine lit something in me that I'd prefer to ignore.
My concern for having her in my space has now been validated, and she has to go.
As soon as physically possible.
Hurricane or no hurricane, I’ll pay whatever it takes to get her into a different house or hotel. I don’t care who I have to bribe to make it happen.
There’s something about Brynn that tells me she’s trouble for me and my future plans.
Keeping her here would be a mistake.
Tomorrow, Brynn leaves…
…or I do.
Chapter Seven
I got a few hours of sleep last night. Not as much as I'd like, but I have a lot to do today, and I know that Silas will be up early. I’d be surprised if he slept at all last night with the storm headed straight for the hotel he manages.
By five a.m., I’m up and out of bed, making a cup of coffee and checking to see if we've gotten any cell reception since Brynn showed up earlier this morning.
I'll have to order a new door for the bathroom, but I at least made it functional for now.
The minute that two bars pop up on my phone, I dial up my buddy.
“Seven, how did it go last night on your side of the beach?” Silas asks.
“The house is still standing,” I say. “Any news on the storm? I lost power last night, and I just got back to cell reception. I might lose you again here soon.”
“We lost power too. Luckily, we have generators to run everything, and the staff are following the emergency plan as well as expected," he says. "From the reports I’m getting, the storm won’t make it to the beach but we’re going to get the biggest hit tonight, and then it looks like it’s going to boomerang back out to sea and head further down the coastline. We should be out of the woods by tomorrow late morning or afternoon.”
“The winds are pushing it out then?”