Page 26 of Lucky Score
“Seems as though the weather pattern is changing again but we’re not getting out of this unscathed. We’re anticipating property damage, and part of our beaches are probably going to get washed out. As long as the coastguard doesn't make us evacuate the hotel, I'll be happy," he says.
The good news is that after tomorrow, most of this should be over and Rita can come home as long as her house isn't too damaged.
But knowing that Cancun will get hit harder than here, the thought of sending Brynn closer to it doesn’t sit all that well with me. And yet, keeping her with me isn't an option I'm interested in entertaining.
I have to at least ask Silas if he has a spot for her.
“Do you have any available vacancies for a woman who showed up at my house last night? She booked my house on a scam website, and I need to find a place to put her until the airport starts outbound flights again."
“Wish I did, but right now, I had to have maintenance set up our outdoor poolside cabanas inside the main lobby for stranded guests I don't have rooms for. I literally have people sleeping in lounge chairs around the hotel. People are using towels as blankets in the hallways,” he sighs.
“Shit, man. That sucks.”
"We're getting through it. And anyway, your unwanted guest is safer there with you. You’re not going to get hit as hard as us. I’d keep her there.”
“I can’t,” I say, though I know he’s right. “I’ll see if Rita can take her in at her apartment.”
“You can’t keep her for a couple of days? She’s one person, right? Is she really all that bad that she can't stay while this storm blows over?”
I have a room for her and I stocked more than enough food to easily feed us both for at least two weeks, maybe longer, but that’s not the point.
There’s no reason she can’t stay. None, except for the fact that her staying could be a problem for me. And if I try to explain that to Silas, he’ll laugh his ass off.
“She can’t stay,” I say simply.
“Why not? Does she have some incurable disease you might catch?”
“No, not that I know of.”
“Okay, well, what’s the problem?”
The problem is that Brynn is the kind of temptation I've been avoiding for years. I barely know her but I'm smart enough to see that if I keep her around for long enough, I'll regret it.
I hear a woman’s voice on the other side of the line.
It's an employee asking Silas what to do about the buffet line this morning and if they have enough food for the extra guests.
He has bigger things to worry about than my one house guest.
“Nothing. There’s no problem. I’ll figure it out. Thanks, Si. I’ll let you get back to the hotel. Be careful out there and let me know if you need anything.”
“You too. Beers and a game of pool at Scallywag's after this hell is over?” he asks.
“I'll be there.”
We both hang up and I set my phone back down on the counter.
Rita is a night owl, so I don’t want to wake her this early to see if she was able to get more sleep than I did last night.
It’s still not even six in the morning yet.
I’ll give her a little more time before I call her up and try to unload my unwelcome guest on her.
My phone starts to chime with text messages.
Probably ones that didn’t come through last night after I lost reception.
The first one I see has me already pissed off.