Page 65 of Maverick
“I did,” he admitted before facing her on the lounge chair. “But no matter what I felt for her in the past, it doesn’t compare to what I feel for you”
“And what is it that you feel for me?” Parker’s voice trembled slightly as she waited for his answer.
“I love you,” he declared, gazing into her eyes. A tear slipped down Parker’s cheek, and he panicked. Did that mean she didn’t love him back? “Parker?”
She cupped his cheeks in her hands and said, “I love you too. So much.”
He let out a sigh of relief before leaning forward to kiss her again.
“You scared the hell out of me,” Maverick confessed after pulling away.
“I didn’t mean to. I was just so happy to hear you say you loved me,” Parker explained with a smile.
“I should have told you sooner, but I didn’t know how you felt. But when you asked about Della, I had to tell you. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to her, or any other woman.” Maverick assured her.
“I’m glad to hear that,” Parker said with a grin before returning his kiss.
“I think we should eat those burgers before you burn them,” Maverick suggested.
Parker gasped and playfully smacked him. “Before I burn them? I was only watching them. You were the cook.”
Maverick chuckled, stood up, and flipped the burgers.
Chapter Nine
As the fall season finally arrived, so did the snow. Parker gazed out of the shop window, watching the flakes as they fell from the sky. Shay stood beside her, also taking in the view.
“It’s a slow day,” Shay commented.
“But the snow is so pretty,” Parker responded with a smile.
“I agree, as long as it doesn’t get too bad. I hate driving in this weather,” Shay sighed.
“Christmas will be here before we know it,” Parker said.
“Don’t remind me. We have so many online orders to fulfill. It seems like this year, people are already starting their holiday shopping,” Shay replied.
“Well, that’s good for business,” Parker pointed out. “What happened to hiring someone over the summer?”
“I plan on hiring someone next year. It was too late in the season to bring someone on board. I’ll make sure they know it’s only a full-time position during the summer and hours will be reduced after tourist season ends,” Shay explained.
“I heard Minnie wants to sell her shop,” Parker mentioned.
“Yes, she wants to retire and move to Florida.” Shay nodded sadly. “I’ll miss her. She’s such a sweet woman.”
“I want to buy one of those beautiful dollhouses in her store. I’ve always wanted one,” Parker said wistfully.
“Oh, I actually have one. Wes bought it for me,” Shay revealed.
“I might just have to buy one for myself. I wonder if whoever buys the shop, plans to keep it as an antique shop?” Parker asked.
“Minnie told me that everything in the store will be included in the sale. I hope it sells for her, but she said she was going to wait until summer.” Shay shrugged. “Who knows? A tourist could buy it next year.”
“That’s true. Oh look, here comes a customer,” Parker noticed as someone walked into the store.
The day passed by slowly with only a few more customers coming in to make purchases. Parker couldn’t wait to go home, relax on the couch and watch a movie. The dreary weather was making her miss Maverick even more, but at least she would be seeing him soon and that thought kept her spirits up.