Page 66 of Maverick
Maverick strode through the barn, checking on the horses that had been brought inside due to the heavy snow. He grinned and shook his head at the bitter cold, knowing that he would either freeze in the winter or sweat through the summer heat in Clifton. It seemed there were only two seasons here: summer and winter, with no in between. Spring and fall rarely made an appearance since it could snow as early as September and as late as May.
He walked to the open doors of the barn and leaned against the wooden frame, folding his arms and gazing out at the falling snow. He couldn’t help but wonder what Parker was doing.
“Hey,” Grady’s voice interrupted his thoughts as he appeared by Maverick’s side.
Maverick glanced at him before returning his gaze to the snow. “Hey. Do you have any of the men out?”
“A couple are checking the west fence. The transmitter showed a section was down.”
“Do you have any idea how it happened?”
“No, not yet. I’ll call them in a few minutes. I don’t like having them out in this weather.”
“Well, they’re closer to home in the west pasture, but I agree we should check on them. You know there are wolves out there.”
“Yeah, I saw a pack near the north pasture just the other day. I got out of there as fast as I could.”
“Good thing. This time of year, they’ll be searching for food wherever they can find it.”
“So, when are you going to tell me about this mystery woman of yours?”
Maverick turned to face him with a smile. “It’s really getting to you, isn’t it?”
“I thought we were friends, Maverick.”
“I don’t recall you ever mentioning a woman you’re seeing.”
Grady chuckled. “Because I’m not seeing anyone.”
“Hell, you never see anyone. It’s always just about sex for you,” Maverick said with a smirk.
“Is there anything else?”
Shaking his head, Maverick had a feeling Grady would never settle down. At forty-three years old, he had never been in a relationship for longer than a month and he couldn’t remember him ever being in a serious relationship. He was sure Grady left a trail of broken hearts behind him wherever he went.
“I’m heading in. I’ll get in touch with the men and see what’s going on.”
“If there are any problems, call me.”
Grady nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Don’t call me sir, jackass.”
Grady laughed. “You know I have to jerk your chain.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“I’m heading in. I’ll let you know if there’s any problems.”
Maverick watched him stroll down the barn’s aisle. They enjoyed working at the ranch. They made good money and the Coleman’s were the best people to work for. Maverick knew unless something drastic happened, both men would always be here.
As he headed back to his office, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He removed it to see a text from Parker, making him grin.
Hi. Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you.
I was just thinking about you.
He grinned when she sent a heart emoji.