Page 81 of Maverick
“Mom, can we talk for a minute?”
“Of course, honey.” Gina got up and they stepped away from the group. “What is it?”
“Um, would it be okay if Maverick stayed at the house?”
“Well of course he can.”
“In my room?”
“Parker, you’re a grown woman, dear. You can make that decision yourself.”
“But it’s your house.”
“It’s fine, honey. I can see how much you missed him and how happy you are that he’s here. It’s wonderful that he made the trip for you. And he’s incredibly handsome.” Gina laughed.
Parker glanced at Maverick and then back at her mother. “He really is, isn’t he?”
“Yes, very much so. Those blue eyes are stunning. But don’t tell your father I said that, or he’ll give me a hard time.”
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Do you think Dad will mind?”
“Not at all. Everyone will be leaving soon, so if you want to go home, don’t feel obligated to stay. I’m sure Maverick is tired, so take him home and we’ll see you both soon.”
Parker hugged her mother and returned to where Maverick was sitting.
“My parents said it’s fine. Are you tired?”
“Exhausted. I’ve been up since four this morning.”
“Then let’s go. You can follow me.”
“Sweetheart, I’d follow you anywhere.”
“Right back at you, cowboy.”
After disposing of their paper plates, they stepped outside into the cool fall air.
“It’s a nice night,” Maverick remarked.
“Nice? It’s freezing!”
“Parker, it was ten degrees when I left Clifton. This is nothing.”
“It probably feels like summer weather to you after that.”
Maverick chuckled. “Where did you park?”
“In the lot next to the church. Where’s your truck?”
“Over there.” He pointed to a white pickup truck parked at the curb.
“Okay, I’ll pull out in my car and then you can follow me.”
“Sounds good.”
Maverick awoke and took in his surroundings, remembering he was staying at Parker’s parents’ house. She was sleeping next to him, probably not getting much rest since her grandfather’s passing. He sat up and quietly slipped out of bed, pulling on his sweatpants and a T-shirt before leaving the room. His throat felt dry, so he made his way down to the kitchen, trying not to trip or make any noise along the way.