Page 82 of Maverick
As he descended the stairs, gripping onto the banister for support, he noticed that a light was on in the kitchen. He hesitated but decided to go in anyway; his thirst couldn’t wait. Inside, he saw Parker’s father sitting at the bar. Mr. Gordon looked up and greeted Maverick with a smile.
“Hey there, Maverick. Can I help you with something?”
“Just some water please. Sorry if I’m disturbing you, Mr. Gordon. I’ll be quick.”
“You’re not disturbing me at all, son. Grab yourself a bottle from the fridge and join me.”
Maverick followed his instructions and sat on a stool beside him, unscrewing the cap of his water bottle before taking a long drink and setting it down.
“I see you enjoyed the ham,” Mr. Gordon noted.
Maverick grinned. “I sure did, but it always makes me thirsty.”
“Same here.” Mr. Gordon chuckled. “So, tell me about yourself. Parker mentioned you’re a foreman on a ranch?”
“Yes sir. It’s one of the biggest ranches in Montana, one hundred thousand acres. I’ve been working there for twenty-four years.”
“That’s quite a long time. You must love it.”
“I do. I have great bosses.”
“And that’s one hell of a big ranch. Are you the only foreman?”
“No sir, there are four of us total.”
“It sounds like you need a team that size for such a large ranch.”
“Yes, sir.”
“No need to call me sir, Maverick. Just Clark is fine,” he said, turning to face him. “You love my daughter, don’t you?”
Maverick met his gaze confidently. “I do.”
Clark nodded in understanding. “I can tell. And she loves you too. She needs a good man in her life, and I believe that’s you. Do you know about her past, her husband and child?”
“Yes, sir. It’s heartbreaking to imagine what she went through, but she’s one of the strongest women I’ve ever known.”
“Indeed, she is. Just like her mother.”
“Clark,” Maverick began, hesitantly using his first name. “I want to marry Parker. I’d like your blessing.”
“My blessing? Not permission?” Clark smirked.
“To be honest, I don’t need your permission, just hers, but I would like your blessing.”
“If I don’t give it?”
“I’ll marry her regardless, if she’ll have me.”
“I’m heading back to bed now. These past few days have been tough on all of us.”
“Of course, goodnight,” Maverick replied respectfully.
“Oh, and Maverick?” Clark looked over his shoulder at him.
“Yes, sir?”
“You have my blessing,” Clark said with a smile before leaving the kitchen.