Page 83 of Maverick
Maverick couldn’t help but grin at the thought of asking Parker to marry him once they returned to Clifton. He finished his water and tossed the bottle into the recycling bin before making his way back to the bedroom.
Quietly entering the room, he climbed into bed beside Parker and pulled her close to him as she snuggled into his embrace. This was exactly where he wanted to be, with Parker by his side for the rest of his days.
Parker embraced her parents, then Maverick hugged her mother and shook her father’s hand. Then she and Maverick climbed into her SUV, with Maverick taking the driver’s seat. Parker was grateful that he offered to drive; she was still exhausted from the past few days. Her parents were going to return the truck Maverick had rented.
“If you start feeling too tired, just let me know and we can stop at a hotel,” Maverick said.
“That sounds like a good idea. I’m sure you’re tired too,” Parker replied.
“Nah, I’m good. I slept well last night, and I know you did too. You didn’t even stir when I got out of bed.”
“When did you get out of bed?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Around midnight. The ham we had for dinner made me so thirsty, I had to get some water. Your dad was in the kitchen too.” Maverick chuckled.
Parker laughed along with him. “For the same reason?”
“Yep. We chatted for a bit. I really like your parents.”
“They like you too. My mom thinks you’re incredibly handsome,” she teased.
The corners of Maverick’s mouth twitched in a playful smile as he couldn’t resist teasing her. “What can I say? Your mom has good taste.”
Parker laughed, feeling grateful for his lightheartedness. “No modesty at all.”
“Like you don’t know you’re beautiful.” He grinned and winked at her.
Shaking her head, Parker couldn’t help but feel lucky to have such a caring man by her side. It still pained her that she had hurt him. He deserved so much better than what she gave him.
“Stop thinking about it,” he urged gently.
“I can’t help it. I hate that I hurt you.”
Maverick reached for her hand, his touch comforting and warm. “I understand, Parker. You were grieving and it didn’t occur to you.”
“But it should have, Maverick. As soon as you suggested going with me, I should have listened. I did need you with me, but I couldn’t think of anything else but getting home to see my grandfather. But in doing so, I disappointed two men I love.”
He squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Please let it go. It’s in the past now. Meeting your grandfather would have been nice, but more importantly, I wanted to be there for you during such a difficult time.”
Parker couldn’t hold back the tears that pricked at her eyes. “But I didn’t even let you do that. I didn’t even say goodbye or tell you that I loved you before leaving like that. I will never forgive myself for that.”
Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, she was surprised when Maverick pulled over to the side of the road and turned to face her.
“Baby, you have to let this go,” he pleaded, his eyes searching hers.
“But I hurt you,” she whispered.
Maverick let out a heavy sigh. “Yes, but I understand. You were in shock over your grandfather’s diagnosis. Your mind wasn’t clear. I get it.” He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Please let it go, love.”
“I promise to try,” she said through tears.
“It’s all I can ask. Let’s get back on the road. I’d like to get home.”
“Me too. I have to pick Pumpkin up at the hospital.” She looked at him. “What did you do with Blue?”
“Grady took care of her.”