Page 50 of Stealing First
“Why not?” Danny growls.
“In your contract, it says you can't date someone who works under you. You’re the head coach. It could be argued that you have power over every player and employee in this franchise. Basically, the only person who doesn’t work under you is me. And no offense, but I don’t want to date you either. Sorry, princess, you’re just not my type.”
“Then why can the players date the staff?”
“Because they’re equals and they work in separate departments. Charlie’s the lead physical therapist, but she has no power over Wyatt. Macy’s our PR person and the only professional interaction she’ll have with Cord is telling him how to not fuck up. Which honestly, she’s the only person I’d trust to call him out on his shit. She’s not afraid of anyone.”
“I have nothing to do with the PR or PT department!”
“But you have a say in both of them and that’s more than enough to make you considered a superior. Plus, there are three really important details you’re forgetting.”
“What?” Danny growls.
“First, Macy and Charlie have known Wyatt and Cord forever. Two, they’re still in love with them. And three, they don’t fucking want you.”
Danny mutters something under his breath that I can't quite hear, but Dad must. His brows raise in surprise for a second before his scowl turns deadly.
“You’re out for a week. I don’t want you coming back until the tenth. If I see you on this property before that, I’ll have you escorted off by security. I don’t want you talking to anyone on your way out today, but grab your shit and go. Do you understand me?”
Danny nods his head and stands. He stomps out of the office and slams the door behind him. The tension in the room slowly dissolves, but it’s still awkward.
“I'm sorry-”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. He should’ve been paying attention to his players. Everyone knows ninety percent of baseball is mental.” He shakes his head, clearly annoyed with his head coach. “You did good, Cord. You probably could’ve handled it better, but that’s why I hired Macy. You need help with your people skills, but you’ve got an eye for how your players are doing.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
“You know, I always planned on you taking a spot in Scott Powell and Coleman when you retired from baseball, but I think you should coach. You’d be good at it. Then one day, you can take over as owner.”
“Really?” My brows raise as I stare at Dad in shock.
He’s never hinted at letting me take a place on the Pit Bulls once I have to retire from the game. And contrary to what Danny thinks, it wasn’t a given it could be an option. I knew if I wanted to do anything after I couldn’t physically play, I’d have to fight for it. I’d have to put in the work.
“And that right there is how I know Sunshine and I did a good job with you and Cici. You didn’t expect to have this team handed to you.” Dad smiles to himself. “You’re a good man, Cord. You make me proud every day. Now, go talk to your team. Then take your girl home… what’s going on with her anyway?”
“Her head and heart are a mess, but she’s doing ok.”
“Then go take care of her. Show her how much she’s loved and remind her she’s a part of our family.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
He stands as I do and comes around the desk to wrap me in his embrace. I swear no matter how old I am, I love getting hugs from him. He makes you feel like you’re not alone in this world and you always have someone to lean on. I couldn’t imagine not having a dad like him in my life.
Chapter 27
“What was going on today?” I ask as I scoop some food onto my plate.
“What part?” Cord lets out a humorless chuckle. “It’s been a hell of a day, baby.”
“Well, let’s start at the beginning. What happened on the field?”
Cord goes on to tell me about Leo, Smithy, and Danny. I listen carefully, loving how he isn't afraid to stand up for other people. He has such a massive heart and I adore that quality.
“Smithy came to find Liliana and there was some tension. I let them use my office while I came to watch you guys practice, but I'm not sure what was going on.”
“I figured it had to do with her,” Cord says softly. “He’s so protective of her, but he doesn’t want to take that leap.” He shakes his head.