Page 51 of Stealing First
“Sounds like someone else I know,” I tease, aiming a grin at him.
“Nah, baby. I wasn’t afraid of taking the leap with you. Not the first time and not this time, I just had to convince you to jump with me each time.”
“That’s true,” I whisper, the truth of that statement hitting me hard. He’s always gone after me, even when I pushed him away.
“I talked to your dad and Liam today,” Cord says slowly. I can tell he’s picking his words carefully and it puts me on high alert.
My spine stiffens and I suck in a deep breath. This is going to hurt and I’m not sure I'm ready for it. But that’s the thing about life, it doesn’t wait for you to be ready for the pain, it throws pain at you whenever it wants to. Sometimes when you least expect it. Sometimes when you can handle it, and sometimes when you can't. The pain of life doesn’t take sympathy on anyone.
“Just pull off the Band-Aid, Cord. I’m not as fragile as you think I am.” I wince as soon as the words are out of my mouth.
Cord has never treated me like I'm fragile. He’s acted like I'm one of the strongest people he knows and is someone I can lean on when I need him, but he’s never acted like I need him to survive. Though… I think I might.
“We both know that’s a lie, but I’ll let it slide because you’re hurting.” He pins me with a look. “He had already spoken to Liam and basically he wants a relationship with the two of you and Liam’s kids.”
“Is Liam allowing that?” I blink at him.
If anyone deserves to hate our father, it’s Liam. He’s the one that was physically hurt and almost died. I was just a bystander.
“Honestly, I didn’t ask because I don’t care. Even if Liam does, that doesn’t mean you have to. But Liam said Micheal seems like the dad he was before your mom left. Liam seems to have hope he’s changed.”
“What did my dad say?” I whisper.
“He wants to see you and talk to you, but he knows you’re hurting. He didn’t mean to blindside you, but he didn’t know how else to get in contact with you, Liam wouldn’t tell him anything.” He blows out a long breath and takes my hand in his. “I told him everything is on your terms or not at all. He understands and didn’t fight it.”
“Really?” I lift my gaze to meet Cords.
“Yeah, baby. He knows he fucked up and he’s working on getting back to the person he used to be.”
I nod my head, absorbing the information he’s giving me. I feel like he’s leaving something out though. Something he’s hiding.
“What are you hiding? You’re hesitating.”
“I'm not hiding anything, but you might get mad at me.”
“For what?” My tone is firm and leaves no room for bullshit. I'm already emotionally drained this week, I can't take much more.
“I hired a private investigator…”
“One? Just one?” I arch a brow, knowing this man far too well.
“No,” he groans and winces. “I hired three.”
“I know! Ok? But this is you we’re talking about! I’m not letting him anywhere near you if I think there’s even a sliver of a chance of him hurting you. What else was I supposed to do? I know you’re going to be pissed and I literally spent all night praying you won't break up with me over this, but even if I knew you would, it wouldn’t change what I did.”
I leap off of my chair and throw myself into Cord’s body. The force knocks his chair off balance and we crash to the floor, but he doesn’t complain or try to get me off of him. He actually wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly so I don’t get hurt when we make impact with the floor.
“Were you trying to hug me or attack me? I'm not really sure given I'm now lying on the floor,” he murmurs in my ear with a slight wince to his voice. I'm sure I just hurt him, but he won't mention it.
“I'm trying to show you how much I love you.”
“Your presentation could use some work.” He chuckles, making me laugh right along with him.
“I'm sorry.”
“Don’t be, but can we get up and then I’ll hold you?”