Page 102 of See You Again
James clamped a hand over her mouth. “I can’t say I know he is for sure, but his brother runs the Bratva in the Southeast. By all accounts, Alex Kovalyov runs their legal companies. But they’re just a front. Your friend doesn’t need to be anywhere near him. Wait here.”
“Not a chance!” Cami strode forward, ignoring James’s curse behind her. The man standing with Madison reached forward as if he were going to stroke her cheek. In the split second before Cami spoke, she realized she’d never seen that look on Madison’s face before.
She looked spellbound.
“Hey, Madison!” Cami’s voice was too loud as she caught her friend’s hand and tugged her away. “I’m glad I found you. We need to go meet with Kip before it gets too crazy in here.”
Madison blinked, her gaze unfocused. She gave a tiny shake of her head, and her eyes cleared. “Right, Kip.”
Cami risked a look at the man. He was even more intimidating up close, not to mention incredibly handsome. Only his close-cropped beard saved him from being pretty, the dark foil to Madison’s angelic looks. Cami shook her head, clearing the odd fanciful thought.
The man’s lips twitched, his focus fully on James, who had brought himself to stand so he was partially between the man and the two women.
“James Bloom! What a nice surprise. I didn’t think you ever left your office.”
Cami couldn’t see James’s expression, but she saw his shoulders square. Did they know each other? She couldn’t imagine how someone like James, who was obsessed with order and doing the right thing, could know a member of the Russian Mob.
“I thought I told you to call me Alex.” He let out a low chuckle when James remained silent. “Ah, James. Your brother told me you were the boy scout of the family. Can’t even bring yourself to talk to me?” His eyes flicked to where Cami and Madison stood nearby.
His mouth curved with mocking humor. “As someone who also has a brother whose methods one doesn’t always agree with, I would have thought you and I would have a lot more in common.”
“Declan is nothing like your brother. You and I have nothing in common.”
A flash of anger blazed in Alex’s eyes before quickly disappearing. He spread his hands in front of him. “I wouldn’t say that. We both run a business in Atlanta?—”
“Your brother is a criminal, and just because you pretend you aren’t involved doesn’t mean you are completely clean.”
“And you are? What my brother and his associates do isn’t that different from how your father and brother accomplish what they want. It's just that one does it in a boardroom.” He clicked his tongue against his teeth. “It might surprise you to know my brother has one of those, too.”
He didn’t raise his voice, but Alex’s tone had changed. Cami didn’t want an argument during Kip’s big event, and this man felt dangerous in a way she wasn’t familiar with.
Alex’s eyes narrowed, and just as Cami tensed, she realized his attention was behind her. James picked up on the man’s expression and turned to look. A muscle flexed in his jaw just as an arm was thrown over each of her and Madison’s shoulders and a sweaty body pushed its way between them.
“My favorite murder girls!” Kip crowed. “I’m so glad you made it. And you brought the boyfriend.” He patted Cami’s shoulder.
James tensed, his narrowed gaze following the movement. He shifted as if to pull Cami away, but she gave him an imperceptible shake of her head. His eyes argued with her, but she shook her head again, and while James remained in his spot, he was obviously unhappy. What was interesting was Alex Kovalyov appeared even less happy to see the chef.
The man’s eyes had zeroed in on where Kip’s large hand hung over Madison’s chest, his nostrils flared. Cami was a little surprised that Kip’s arm didn’t burst into flames. Madison pivoted and reached up to shake Kip’s hand, allowing Cami to slip away as well. James immediately put his arm around her waist and tucked her tight against him.
“Kip, thank you so much for inviting us tonight. We are looking forward to working together again.”
“Yeah, I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, too.” He leered at Madison.
Alex Kovalyov stared hard at the man, his expression unreadable, but Kip appeared oblivious as he leaned closer to Madison. Something in Kovalyov’s expression made Cami shiver.
“It’s too bad Jax couldn’t make it tonight,” Cami blurted out.
Men always competed over Madison, but this was a business event, and Kovalyov didn’t look like the type who would lose gracefully. He didn’t look like the type who would lose period.
Madison looked confused for a moment and then smiled. “He stayed home.”
“I forgot you had a boyfriend, too.” Kip pouted, darting a look at Cami cuddled into James. He finally seemed to notice Alex standing just behind them, and his face paled.
“Mr. Kovalyov, I didn’t know you were coming.”
Alex’s face was stone as he stared at Madison. “Actually, I was just leaving. My regards to your family and the delectable Ms. Everton,” he said with a nod to James before he walked away.