Page 125 of See You Again
“I’ve got you. We’ll figure it out. Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out together. Let me take care of you,” he whispered against her hair.
His words set off a fresh flood of tears. Cami couldn’t think of the last time someone took care of her. She’d had to take care of herself for most of her life, while also making sure her mother was okay. The idea of surrendering and letting someone else shoulder everything was intoxicating.
She nestled her face into him, inhaling his warm spicy scent, as his arms tightened around her.
“Tell me what I can do to make it better. I’ll do anything, Tig.” The emotion in his voice found its way through her despair. His lips drifted over her hair as she slowly relaxed into him, relishing the strength that seemed to radiate off him. Making her believe she could borrow some of his strength. That she wasn’t on her own.
“I’m not sure how a bouncing tiger is supposed to fight this battle,” she tried to joke, embarrassment quickly shoving sadness to the side.
But James didn’t laugh the way she intended. “What battle?”
Cami sighed and pushed gently against his chest. After a brief hesitation, he loosened his embrace.
“A metaphorical one.”
She took a step backward and reached to wipe the traces of her tears away, but his thumb was there first, swiping underneath each of her eyes. His expression was so tender it made her heart pound. She forced her lips into a smile. “I’m so embarrassed. I think I ruined your shirt. Guess waterproof mascara isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”
His hands shifted to cup her face, and the sincerity in his eyes when they met hers made her breath catch. “You don’t have to find the bright side every time, Cami. It’s okay to ask for help.”
The air between them changed, vibrating with an emotion that neither had been brave enough to give a name to. The truth was James had been her anchor once, and after the last two weeks, it was foolish to pretend that he was anything else.
She loved him. She’d never stopped.
His gaze searched her face, and then his expression changed. “Cami.” He bent his head, but just before she could feel his lips on hers a tremulous voice sounded in the dark.
“Camellia? Who’s out there with you?”
Cami squeezed her eyes shut.
No. Not now!
“Camellia?” Her mother’s concerned voice came again with that edge that meant panic wasn’t far off.
She pivoted and saw her mother’s silhouette backlit in the doorway.
“Your mom?” James cocked his head when she didn’t answer right away.
There was no way around it.
“My mother is… I mean… She’s not…”
“It’s okay.” James took her hand and squeezed. “You put up with my crazy family.” He gave her a smile before tugging her back toward the house.
“Why are you still here?” Irene’s gaze took in their intertwined hands, and her back stiffened. “This is the boyfriend.”
James cast one of his devastating smiles at her mother. “James Bloom, ma’am. Nice to meet you. Cami was having a bit of car trouble, so I came to give her a ride.”
“Car trouble?”
“Nothing important,” Cami said hurriedly. “The tow truck will be here any minute. I thought you’d gone to bed.”
Her mother frowned, and then she drew herself up with a deep breath. “It’s freezing out here, Camellia. You should wait in your car where it’s warmer.”
She could feel James’s curious eyes on hers. Anyone else’s mother would ask them to come in. As it was, now that they were closer with the hall light on, there was no way to hide the state of the foyer behind her mother’s thin frame.
“That’s a great idea, Mama.”
James’s voice was easy and gentle when he said, “Why don’t I take you home, Cami? You can leave the key for the tow truck driver on your tire. That way, your mom won’t be disturbed when he comes.”