Page 135 of See You Again
Brady stared at her for a moment, an unidentifiable emotion crossing his eyes before he rolled his lips in briefly. “I was just kidding.”
Her cheeks heated. If she weren’t so discombobulated, she wouldn’t have overreacted. “Sorry.”
Brady grinned. “Don’t apologize. It’s cute.” He pointed a finger at her. “I’m not telling him you defended him, though. His ego is big enough. Now, let me walk you through the different codes. I think he ordered everything except armed robots to keep you safe.”
The night air was crisp when James locked the gym door and strolled to his car, smiling at the memory of Brady’s split lip. It was a lucky punch, and his friend had laughed, knowing he had goaded James into it with his comment about Cami. One day, his friend’s mouth was going to get him in real trouble with someone.
Water dripped from the ends of his still wet hair when he slung his gym bag over his shoulder, sending a chill over him. Cami hadn’t texted yet, but he planned on waiting in her driveway for her. He smiled, thinking that he would see her soon.
What a sap! I’m becoming worse than Luke.
The rounds with Brady had done exactly what he needed them to. He’d burned off all the extra, anxious energy churning through his body. All he had to do now was keep his hands off Cami long enough to tell her he loved her.
Distracted by his thoughts, James failed to notice as a shadow detached from the dark wall outside the gym. The sound of rushing feet behind him had his instincts kicking in and gave him the split-second warning he needed to twist and face the danger. The blade, intended for the middle of his back, sliced over his ribs with a searing burn. He raised his arm to block the blade as it descended again, at the same time grabbing the assailant’s elbow with his other hand for more leverage.
Justin’s face, bruised and swollen, contorted with fury. “You ruined everything,” he screamed. Fueled by his rage, Justin kicked out at James’s knee, forcing James to lessen his grip on Justin’s arm as he dodged. He hissed out a breath as the knife found a new target in his bicep.
“Why couldn’t you stay away? Everything was perfect.” Justin wailed, even as he attempted to wrench free.
James held on tightly, but the blow had weakened his arm, and Justin was able to pull loose, taking a few steps back. On some level, James registered the warmth sliding down his ribs and arm, but he kept all of his focus on Justin. There wasn’t time to assess his injuries. The man’s eyes were wild.
“That video is everywhere,” Justin spat. "My practice is ruined, Layla's gone, and now you've made Camellia hate me." He howled, his upper lip pulling back as he lunged again. James quickly danced out of his way, but the cars behind him limited his ability to maneuver.
“The one from the valet stand,” James said, the edges of his vision searching for where his gym bag had landed. He had been distracted with the thought of getting to Cami and left his gun in the bag where he always put it while he and Brady sparred.
There it was! Just a few feet away.
“I caught my office staff watching it. They were laughing at me. It’s your fault. You wanted to show off for Camellia. Why can’t she see you’re using her. You could never be good enough for her. Love her the way I do!” Justin’s hand lowered as he spewed all of his supposed grievances, buying James a little time.
He needed to get to the bag.
James bent his knees, as if his wounds weakened him, and extended a hand towards Justin, surprised to see his shirt sleeve drenched in red. “You’re right.” James gently flexed his fingers.
No nerve damage. Good, his trigger was stiff.
“Bullshit! You’re just saying that. You take whatever you want. The guys I golf with shared it with everyone at the club. I’m a joke!” Justin growled, and then James was out of time as Justin lunged forward, the steel flashing under the lights of the parking lot.
James lashed out with a kick, connecting with a crunch to Justin’s knee, but the man’s momentum and anger propelled him forward. The knife sliced down James’s thigh before Justin crumpled to the ground, howling
Throwing himself sideways, James ripped at the zipper and shoved his hand into the bag, feeling for metal.
“I hate you,” he heard Justin yell. In one continuous motion, James lifted his hand, still in the bag, and fired twice.
Justin collapsed to the ground, screaming.
His chest heaving, his gun still at low-ready, James kicked the knife away, and looked down at Justin’s moaning form. It looked like James had hit him in the shoulder and somewhere on the side.
“Help me,” Justin groaned.
James only hesitated a moment before he pulled his spare clothes from the bag to press against Justin’s wounds while tucking his cell phone between his ear and his shoulder.
As he sat on the ground next to Justin, waiting for the sirens and lights, a fuzzy thought took root, and a breathless chuckle escaped. He closed his eyes as the first of the police cars raced toward him. He was totally going to use this as an example for Cami the next time they had the self-defense/gun argument.
Someone was banging on her door. Cami blinked, trying to make sense of what was happening. One glance at her window revealed it was still dark out. The pounding came again, and Cami snatched up her phone, cursing when she realized she hadn’t plugged it in, and it was dead.