Page 152 of See You Again
Through the buzzing in her ears, she could hear Madison’s cries and Jax’s startled wails above everything else. The man’s piercing blue eyes raked over her dispassionately, and then James charged forward.
Her legs slowly collapsed under her, but she never touched the ground. James scooped her in his arms, yelling directions for someone to find a first aid kit. Cami blinked, trying to make the chaotic surroundings make sense. James’s face slowly came into focus, then his brother Declan’s. The man with the gun was holding Madison tight to his chest in the outer office.
On the floor…
She averted her eyes as bile rose in her throat.
“Cami.” James stroked her face, and she looked down at the burning in her arm.
“Damn,” she said weakly. “Did we both get stabbed this week?”
Declan smothered a laugh, but James leaned forward and pressed his forehead hard against hers and whispered so that only she could hear. “I heard the gunshot. I thought…”
Cami’s eyes flew to the stranger, recognition hitting her. The restaurant opening—Alex Kovalyov.
“Do I even want to know how you came to be here, Alex?” Declan asked.
“Kismet,” Alex offered.
Alex widened his eyes in mock surprise. “I thought all you Irishmen believed in fairies and spirits.”
Declan narrowed his eyes, and then glanced at Trey’s body on the floor. “Well, this is unfortunate. Did you have to kill him?”
“I suppose I didn’t have to, but I think Ms. Messina appreciated it at the time.” The man’s lips tipped in an ironic smile behind his close, clipped beard. His eyes fell on her. “Was I mistaken?”
Cami thought she must be hallucinating from shock or something, because… Were these two men actually joking about shooting Trey in the head?
“Look at me.” James clutched her head between his hands. “Just breathe. Everything will be fine.” He waited until she was breathing evenly again, and she saw Alex move to the entrance of their offices and speak quietly to Madison.
“He killed them all.” Her blunt statement drew everyone’s eyes. “Amy, Dr. Keller and, I think, maybe his brother.” Her eyes lifted to James and flicked briefly to Declan before returning to the comfort of James’s steady gray irises. “He told me how they killed your father.”
Declan pushed away from the wall and stalked toward her, but suddenly James was on his feet in his brother’s face. Clenching his jaw tightly, James squared his shoulders.
The two men had an entire conversation without exchanging a word. Declan stepped back, and grinned at her.
Actually grinned.
“When you are feeling better, I hope you will share with us what he told you.” Declan raised a sarcastic eyebrow at his brother.
Her arm hurt, but she was coming back to herself. “I recorded it.” She looked at her computer. “Or at least I hope it’s still recording.”
Declan flipped the top open and huffed a laugh before he turned, a genuine smile lighting his face. “It will never cease to amaze me how my little brothers landed such astonishingly impressive women. If you ever come to your senses?—”
“You know humor isn’t your strong suit, Dec,” James growled.
“What do we do about Trey?” Cami asked.
“We need to call the police,” James said. “I’ll say I shot him in self-defense.”
A sharp bark of laughter sounded from the doorway. Alex had reappeared, but there was no sign of Madison or Jax. Seeing her concern, he explained. “I gave Madison my keys. The boy didn’t need to see this.”
“Careful, Alex, someone might accuse you of having a conscience.”