Page 18 of See You Again
Cami avoided his gaze as she found the bedroom he mentioned. It looked completely unused. Shutting herself in the bathroom, she leaned her hands against the counter.
I’m actually in James Bloom’s hotel room. How the hell did this happen?
She pressed her hands against the heat in her cheeks as a nervous giggle escaped. With a glance at the door, Cami flipped the shower on before calling Madison.
“Are you already in bed?”
“Yeah, but not asleep yet. Jax is still bouncing off the walls. I’m lying on the bed pretending to be asleep, hoping he’ll take the hint.” She sighed. “Is it possible he could actually be allergic to sleep?”
“Sorry, Mads. That sucks.”
“It really does. What’s up? Did you escape Kip unscathed?”
Cami wrinkled her nose at her reflection. “Sort of.”
“Sort of? What does that mean?” Madison’s voice was suddenly alert.
“I tried to pull the whole my boyfriend is waiting so I need to leave trick, but Kip picked up on it.”
Madison moaned. “Is he mad?”
“No, when I left him, he was curled up with two women on a sofa.”
“Thank goodness. Are you home already?”
“Not exactly.” Cami hesitated. “I’m actually in a suite at the hotel.”
Madison’s gasp of excitement made her laugh. “Are you hooking up with someone? You lucky bitch. Who is it? Oh god. It’s not Kevin, is it?”
“No! Why would you say that?”
“Because you said you left Kip with two women, and since I can’t figure out how in the time I’ve been gone you could have met some guy and already be up in a room… You’re too smart to go to a room alone with a stranger so that leaves… Kevin.”
“It’s not Kevin, and I’m not hooking up.”
“You sound disappointed.”
“Maybe a little,” Cami admitted. Maybe a lot. She plucked at one of her sticky strands of hair. “Hang on a sec. I’ve got to get this dress off.”
Madison’s objection was muffled as Cami set the phone on the vanity and swiftly pulled her dress off over her head, frowning when she realized the drinks had soaked through to her bra and panties. She tucked the phone between her shoulder and neck just in time to hear Madison say, “Camellia Messina, you better answer me!”
“I’m back,” Cami said, as she rinsed her underwear in the shower.
“Why are you in a hotel suite taking off your clothes? Are you intentionally trying to make me crazy?”
Cami slipped the robe off the hanger and replaced it with her dress to survey the damage. “I was on my way out, but I had a run in with a tray of drinks. James offered to let me get cleaned up in his room.” She made a face. “Do you think if I use a hair dryer on the dress, I’ll make it stain?”
“Yes. You need to rinse it. Who the hell is James?” her friend asked without taking a breath. Cami ran a washcloth under the sink and began blotting at the stains.
“I love this dress. I’m going to be pissed if it’s ruined,” she grumbled.
“Cami,” Madison used her new ‘mom’ voice which made Cami smile.
“You aren’t going to believe this. When Kip challenged me about having a boyfriend, I kind of told him that this guy at the bar was my boyfriend.”