Page 79 of See You Again
“Maybe,” Cami’s voice conveyed her doubt. “I’m still hoping he’ll agree to an interview with us. Maybe Amy said something in that last phone call that might be a clue. So, if you’re listening, Matt…”
The women continued to talk for a few minutes before ending the episode. James set his phone on the nightstand, but his nerves were drawn tight. Someone in Crawford’s world would hear about it, and he wouldn’t be happy.
James stood under the hot shower for longer than usual, his eyes gritty from lack of sleep. He wanted to text Cami to assure himself she was okay, but didn’t want to come across as clingy. If she had a problem, she’d call him… or the police… Why should Cami call him if she had a problem? They weren’t a real couple. On the other hand, he was going to lose his mind not knowing…
Fuck it.
Stepping nude from the shower, he snatched the phone from the counter and tapped out a quick message.
James: Listened to the newest episode. It’s fantastic. In court today, but if you have any trouble from Crawford, let me know. My assistant will have my phone and can get me a message.
He stared at the phone for a minute, willing her to answer. Finally, the text bubble appeared, and he exhaled a long breath, the tight knot in his stomach loosening. It wouldn’t be in Crawford’s character to go after her so quickly, but the underlying feeling of danger simmering under his skin didn’t evaporate entirely.
Cami: Thank you. It’s been a crazy couple of days and another long one today. I have to get through more of these tapes and start going over the forensic reports this afternoon.
James: Sounds like a blast.
Cami: What’s your case?
James: Garden-variety white-collar fraud, but the prosecutor overreached with the charges. And a burglary case will probably be tossed.
Cami: Is good luck the appropriate thing to say?
James: Don’t need luck…
Cami: Cocky much?
James: Is it cocky if it’s accurate?
Cami: (rolling eyes emoji)
James’s lips tipped up in a smile as he leaned against the bathroom counter.
Cami: Okay Perry Mason. Knock 'em dead.
James: I made a reservation at Luna for 8. I’ll pick you up at 7.
Cami: That’s closer to you. I’ll meet you there.
James: Nope. It’s a date. Remember, I pick up my dates.
Cami: I thought you didn’t date?
James: I don’t.
James: Still picking you up.
He chuckled when the text bubbles appeared, and then disappeared again.
James: Have a good day.
Cami: You too.
James’s court cases went as he expected, and after they broke for an afternoon recess, the prosecutor approached him with a deal for his client facing a burglary charge. It was better than he’d hoped for, and after a quick consultation with his client, they reached an agreement—which meant James was done earlier than he’d expected.
When he picked up Cami later that evening, he knew something was off the second she answered the door. He gestured at the significant dent in her bumper as she opened her door. “Did you hit something?”
“Minor fender bender.”