Page 36 of Fractured Heart
“For what?”
Sadness fills his gaze. “I’m sorry for everything my family has done to you. I’m so fucking sorry for everything that you have suffered through and had to live through. How you can stand to be near me, let me touch you, allow me to be inside you and listen to the sound of my voice is beyond me. I don’t deserve to stand in your presence.” The anguish with which he says this can be felt. I hear the self-hatred in his tone and I loathe that he feels this way about himself.
“I hate your father. I didn’t mind your grandfather until he crossed me but you are innocent, Trevante. I am cold, heartless and feel nothing but I will never harm an innocent person.”
“I’m not innocent, I share their blood!” he shouts.
“I share the same blood as Knox but that doesn’t mean he and I are the same. You didn’t ask to be born to that piece of shit. You are not him, Trey. Don’t even put yourself in the same category as him or I’ll beat the shit out of you.”
“Why did you let me touch you?”
I answer without hesitation. “Because I saw the pain in your eyes, your demons spoke to mine.”
Nano isn’t happy with my plan but he doesn’t call the shots, I do. I have men scattered around the house and we’ve had scouts scoping out the area. They were able to count at least twenty inside but none of them have laid eyes on Xander. I knew they wouldn’t, Karl would have him locked up in the basement.
“This is fucking risky, I don’t like it,” Nano grits out from beside me. I turn and glare at the asshole. I like him but I will not have him underestimating me in front of all the men.
“I don’t care what you think, there is no other way to draw them all out. I’m doing this,” I snap.
“Doxy, I don’t know if you are aware but as the new glorified leader that means it is our job to make sure you are safe and not in danger. You walking out there alone is fucking dangerous! What are you not understanding about that?” I appreciate his concern but this is not up for debate.
“I’m not understanding the part where you said I am the leader and then questioning me instead of obeying my fucking instructions?” Nano purses his lips but wisely remains silent and takes a step back, nodding his head.
“Understood, my apologies,” he mutters as he walks away to join the others.
“If he tries anything, I won’t obey your orders.” Sighing, I look at Trey.
“He won’t kill me,” I answer.
He darts forward and cups my face between his hands as he bends down so we are eye level. “I get that you are a badass and call the shots but I am also a man who has fallen in love with you, and I can’t just stand by and do nothing as you risk your life.”
I can see he means every word he says but I can’t bring myself to feel anything. I try but all I feel is numb.
“The risk is worth the reward,” I say before pulling free of his hold and stalking out of the cover of the surrounding trees. The moment I hit the gravel driveway I know they would have seen me so I wait in the center for Karl to make a show of sending all his men out to surround me before he makes his appearance thinking he is the one in control.
Like clockwork, the front door swings open and men dash out of the modest size house with rifles aimed at me as they form a large circle, thinking they have me trapped. That’s the thing with men, they naturally assume because we don’t have balls that we are weak—newsflash, vaginas are stronger because we can take a fucking pounding. I force myself to remain calm and complacent when I see Frank, Len, Thomas, Stephen, Fin, Ed, Nolan and Ron exit the house. They all wear masks of hatred and the look in each of their eyes promises pain. No one utters a word as Karl strolls out. The moment his gaze meets mine he smiles wickedly and moves away from his men stopping halfway toward me and then claps.
“What a show you have put on.” I fight the urge to bristle because all these weeks of feeling angry, jaded and hungry for vengeance only for him to stand before me, which forces my nightmares to play on a reel through my mind. I feel my hands growing clammy and breaths coming in short pants. I hate my reaction to him and loathe that he still has this type of power over me. I never feared the boogeyman or monsters under my bed, but I feared him for years! “You’ve grown brave in our time apart.” His tone is laced with a hard edge. “You will be punished for making eye contact, drop to your knees and beg my forgiveness and I will make your punishment swift.”
I straighten my spine and take a deep breath, I am not that broken doll anymore. They may have killed Waverly Bronson but Doxy Da Luca was born that night, she rose like a phoenix from the ashes. She is stronger, smarter and more cunning than Waverly ever was. I am here and I am fucking fierce, they can’t hurt me anymore.
“Drop to your knees and beg my forgiveness and I will shorten your punishment by two years. Continue to think you are in charge and calling the shots, then I will add a year to each minute you make me wait.” Karl looks at his men and then they all begin to laugh. I gasp at the audacity of them and hate that some of my bravado waivers. I fucking despise how the sound of his voice or the sight of him can reduce me to the scared, fearful broken doll he made me to be. I clench my hands at my sides so he doesn’t see them trembling.
You are strong.
You are brave.
You can do this.
I take a shuddering breath and lift my chin. When I hear the guns around me begin cocking I grit my teeth. “Shoot me then you spineless bastard,” I sneer.
“Not before you tell me where the fuck my family is!” Ron bellows. I open my mouth to tell him to fuck off but I snap it closed when I feel someone slide up beside me. I know who it is the moment the tension eases and I manage to take a full breath since I walked out here.
“They will be seeing you in hell if you don’t shut the fuck up, you sick piece of shit. No pun intended.” He says the end part sarcastically. Ron’s eyes widen in indignation but he wisely keeps his mouth shut. Trey flicks his gaze to his father and looks him up and down with disdain. Karl crosses his arms over his chest and smiles.
“The prodigal son returns,” Karl says with such distaste.
Trey scoffs. “I am nothing to you. You are sadistic and breathing on borrowed time. Hand Xander over and your men won’t have to suffer.”