Page 37 of Fractured Heart
Karl’s answering laughter grates on my nerves. “You stupid fucking boy, did you really think I got to where I am by being dumb?” He doesn’t give us a chance to answer. “I know Nano has his men surrounding us right now but what you didn’t account for was me learning from Gio and Percy’s mistakes and making sure that I was the one sneaking up on your men.” I can’t keep the shock from displaying on my face when Kimber, Nano and Anna appear from around the side of the house with their hands cuffed in front of them and men dragging them toward us.
I failed, I failed them all.
I look at her and see the devastated look in her eyes, she is shutting down and preparing herself for what is to come.
Fuck this!
I grip her face and force her to turn to me, lifting her head so her gaze can meet mine. “He thinks I don’t know him, you think you know him best but what you both didn’t account for was the fact you both know each other better than the other so you didn’t see each other’s blind spots.”
“I rescued those girls, gave them hope and it was for nothing,” she says brokenly, this is the first time I have heard emotion in her tone aside from when she told us about her son.
“Don’t hate me, Doxy. When trust is broken, sorry means nothing but I swear I never meant to break your trust.” Her eyes narrow as she studies me.
“What did you do?” she asks with apprehension clear in her tone.
“Pick which one dies first?” I snap my head toward my father, sadness fills me when I see my grandfather, the man who raised me to be better appear from inside the house. Karl had the manpower to surround us because he had Reid’s men at his disposal. “I think the whores should die first,” Karl taunts. Doxy breaks free of my hold and stills at the sight of Nano and the girls on their knees in front of Karl with his gun pressed against Kimber’s forehead.
“Enough, Trey. You will stop this now and return to my side where I will continue to teach you how to take over and rule better than him,” my grandfather says. His hatred for Karl is clear but the fact he can’t stand to see a woman lead us is the only reason he is prepared to work alongside his son who he hates. “You’re surrounded, son. You have my word the girl will meet a swift end and no one will touch her?—”
“I’ll kill anyone who tries to fucking touch her!” I scream as I spin around in a circle, eyeing each of these cunts, daring them to try and make a move.
“Trevante, you are making a fool of yourself, we have won!” I face my grandfather and shake my head.
“I always knew Karl was a worthless piece of shit but I expected more of you.” His face falls but Karl’s is a bright shade of red.
“She dies first for that, you cunt!” Karl cocks his gun, Doxy moves to step forward but freezes at the sound of my voice first.
“He won’t like you upsetting her,” I taunt as I cross my arms over my chest and stare at the bastard who gave me life.
“He’s chained up in my basement, you little prick!” he roars.
I purse my lips and make a show of appearing confused. “What makes you think I was talking about Xander?” Karl looks to my grandfather who is just as perplexed as him but it’s Doxy’s burning gaze that has me turning to her. I see it in her eyes, she knows what I did.
“I hate you,” she forces out through clenched teeth.
“But I love you and I couldn’t watch all your hard work not pay off.” I tear my gaze from her to face the bastards I share blood with. “You see while you were all out here measuring who has the bigger dick you didn’t factor in the fact that there was a fourth player on the board.” Both Reid and Karl frown. “You were so focused on outdoing Doxy that you didn’t realize I was staging a coup of my own.”
“What the fuck did you do, Trevante?” Reid bellows.
“I gave you a choice!” I shout. “I begged you to choose me and help me so she could rule but you betrayed me. Doxy may know Karl but I know you too and I knew you would double cross me so I brought in back up.”
“You have no men, they are all on their knees waiting for my order to shoot to kill,” Karl snaps. “You have nothing, boy!” He sounds like a smug son of a bitch and thinks he has won this battle before it has even begun.
“I have the Re Della Strada, motherfucker!” On cue, red lasers appear as if out of thin air, every man having at least three or four dots on them. Two of the guards standing behind us try to run but are gunned down within a split second. Karl begins to bark orders at them to take out the shooters but none of them move an inch. “Your move, Doxy,” I say low enough for only her to hear. When she looks at me I see the hatred in her gaze. I did the one thing she never wanted me to do, I sent Knox a picture of her and asked for his help. He wasn’t able to deny me when I showed him proof his twin was alive and needed his help even if she didn’t know it. “The wrong man will teach you that you can do it all by yourself but the right man will show that you can but won’t let you. I couldn’t let you do this on your own.”
“All units, shoot to kill!” Reid orders, but before a shot can ring out, I tackle Doxy to the ground and use my body as a shield as bullets begin to whizz past us. She throws me off her and rushes toward Kimber, Nano and Anna, keeping low and managing to not get shot.
“Do not shoot my sister!” Knox’s voice comes through the earpiece in my ear. “Tay, get Xander out and everyone else, move in now and kill every one of these—” Before he can finish I cut in.
“No one is to touch Karl or his inner circle, she wants them alive. That was the deal, Knox!” I growl before pushing to my feet and chasing after Doxy. She’s locked into a hand to hand fight with one of Reid’s guys, the second she lands a jab to his throat he drops to his knees gasping for air. She snatches his gun from his side and drops down into a crouch spinning around in time to shoot Ed right in the center of his forehead. His blood sprays all over her but she doesn’t miss a beat as she moves onto her next target. She yanks the blade from its sheath on her thigh and runs toward Stephen who has his back turned and leaps into the air. She plunges the knife into his back. He roars out in pain but it turns to a strangled gargle when she yanks the blade out and slits his throat from behind.
I tear my gaze from her as I rush toward the guard she killed and snag the keys to the cuffs from his pocket, then make quick work of uncuffing the girls and Nano.
“Give me a gun,” Anna snaps.
I shake my head. “You need to get out of here?—”