Page 10 of Tainted Essence
“I don’t know a way out, I was brought in here the same way you were,” she argues. I growl in frustration before demanding Taylan to follow me as I sprint back toward the room Koda had taken me.
“I guess we know what happened to him then,” Taylan mumbles at the sight of the burned fuckers body as we race past him. I lean against the wall and crack the side door opening a tiny bit and check to see if the coast is clear before looking back to Kimber.
“Is the fence really wired?” I grit out.
She shakes her head. “Not that I know of.” Her bad bitch attitude is now gone. I have half a mind to shoot the bitch in the foot and leave her here but I can tell from the torment in Taylan’s eyes that he won’t leave her behind.
“If we make a run for it we can reach the fence and jump it before they catch us, can you make it?” I ask him.
He shakes his head as if to clear his thoughts before nodding somberly. “Let me go first,” he says in a tone filled with hurt. Who the fuck is she to him? I push that thought out of my mind as he shoves the door open and darts out. I follow behind not caring if Kimber comes with us or not. That bitch played us! Taylan’s back glistens when the moonlight hits it. He scales the fence in a matter of seconds. I toss my gun over the fence when I reach it. Just as I ready myself to climb I hear Kimber cry out behind us. She’s hunched over grabbing at her ankle, I dart my gaze around and see three guards rushing toward us.
I should leave that two faced bitch!
“Kimber!” Taylan shouts. Fuck! He won’t leave her. I rush forward and yank the bitch up by her hair ignoring her protests as I duck low when gunshots ring out. I shove her into the fence.
“Climb!” I scream at her and she cries out in pain when she tries to push off her ankle which is twisted at an odd angle, I grab her waist and use all my strength to push her up. Taylan grabs her wrists and pulls her over the fence. I jump up and scale the fence, just as I’m about to leap over the other side something hits me in the back of the head and sends me tumbling forward, I land on the hard ground with a thud.
“Fuck, get up, Slayer!” Taylan snaps. I reach back up and touch the back of my head wincing in pain, my vision is blurry but the sound of the Russian fucks getting closer has me fighting through the dizziness and pushing to my feet. Taylan has Kimber in his arms as we run as fast as we can ducking and making a zig zag pattern when more shots ring out. My lungs are burning with the effort of pushing myself as much as I can. I’m exhausted and barefoot but I refuse to allow Koda to get what he wants. “This way,” Taylan shouts, we round a corner and I sigh at the sight of buildings with lights on, Taylan stops next to a parked car and places Kimber on her feet beside it as he goes to the driver side and kicks the window in. “Get in!”
I don’t argue when he unlocks the doors, slipping into the front seat beside him while the rat climbs into the back. He leans down and rips a few wires out, then rubs two of them together to start the car. He doesn’t fuck around as he plants his foot and burns rubber, putting as much distance between us and them.
My heart is racing, my mind is reeling over Kimber’s declaration. I have no idea how she knew they had her daughter or what she had planned to do in order to help them but she betrayed me! She wormed her fucking way into my trust circle and then broke it like it meant nothing to her. I hit the interstate and finally chance a look at Destiny. She sits there staring down at her hands as she wrings the hem of my shirt in her grasp. Without thinking too much into it, I reach over and pry one of her hands free before interlocking my fingers with hers. She snaps her wide eyed stare to me.
“You’re gonna be okay,” I say quietly before turning back to the road. She doesn’t pull her hand free or even fight me, she relaxes slightly and sinks back into her chair.
“Where are we going?” I inhale a deep breath at the sound of Kimber’s voice. I count to three in my head to try and control the anger simmering beneath the surface at her betrayal. She became someone I could count on and trust in, now she ruined all of that. “Taylan, I had to do it?—”
“You didn't have to do shit!” I roar. “You betrayed me. I fucking trusted you, I brought you into my circle and I never fucking let anyone in, Kimber!”
“She’s my daughter! I love you, Tay, and I’m sorry for hurting you but they have my kid and I will do anything I have to in order to get her back.” I take a calming breath. I understand her reasoning but it doesn’t stop it from stinging like a bitch.
“What was the plan?” I ask her as I turn to meet her gaze in the rearview mirror for a second.
“I got a message three days before Wave’s party. They knew my name and everything and sent me a picture of my daughter.”
She egged me on to chase Destiny, that’s why she made the bet!
At the risk of sounding like an asshole I ask, “How do you know that girl is even your daughter?”
“She has a birthmark in the shape of a star behind her ear, that’s how I know she is my daughter.” I hang my head trying to fight a war within myself. “They said they would return her safely to me if I could get the information they needed.”
“I would never fucking tell you!” Destiny sneers.
“She wasn’t talking about you,” I mutter. “She thought you would tell me and she would use my friendship with her to her advantage to get the information out of me knowing I trust—trusted her.” Destiny stares at me for a second before tearing her hand out of my grasp.
“Were you in on this as well?” I snap my head toward her and glare at the minx.
“Oh yes, of course, dear, I enjoy my face being used as a punching bag and love getting my ass beat. Feel sorry enough for me to offer up that formula yet?” I snark. She narrows her eyes, then crosses her arms over her chest and slumps back into her chair with a huff.
“I’m sorry Tay?—”
“I don’t want to hear it, Kimber. Just… shut up and sit here while I process,” I snarl. I have no idea where the fuck to go. I don’t have a phone or money to stop and buy a phone or even use a fucking pay phone.
“Get off at the next exit,” Destiny says.
“Why?” I question.