Page 40 of Tainted Essence
“Keep moving, your dad will be here shortly,” I shout in her ear. We’re knocked from both sides but my hold on her doesn’t lessen. I can see the exit over the heads of the others and grit my teeth as I try to push her faster but she keeps tripping in those fucking stupid shoes. “Unless I’m fucking you in those heels, you are forbidden to ever wear those things again,” I growl in her ear, now isn’t the time for her to shiver with lust but she does and I can’t help but smirk.
The exit is just there, we’re so close!
“Move and she dies.” I don’t move a muscle when I see the gun pressed to her temple. The crowd screams and moves away from us, giving us a wide berth as they run to the exit. I flick my gaze to the side and glare, the bouncer I throat punched smirks back at me. “Try anything and I shoot,” he declares as one of his buddies comes forward to snatch the gun from hand. “Release her.”
“Suck my dick, cunt,” I snarl. I grunt in pain and drop to my knees when I’m pistol whipped across the back of the head. Destiny whirls around and hooks the fucker behind me but stops moving when the bouncer shifts his gun to me. Her eyes fill with fear at the sight of me on my knees with a gun pointed at my temple.
“Both of you move, now!” the cunt barks. I climb to my feet and grip her hand in mine as he keeps the gun pressed to my head and forces us to move toward where Koda is. With the stampede of people rushing out of the club there is no way her family can make it inside against the crowd, we’re on our own.
We walk down a hallway that is dimly lit but is lined with armed men, they form a barricade around us like we’re the fucking president as we are led out a service exit where a van idles. I want to roll my eyes at how fucking cliché this is. The side door is open and we’re shoved inside, I push her behind me against the back doors and use my body as a shield. Six guys climb in with us and keep their guns pointed at us as one of them bangs on the side to signal the driver to move. The windows are spraypainted black, so I can’t see out to try gauge our direction.
“Phones, hand them over now.” The bouncer sneers. I slowly raise my hand and reach into my pocket pulling it out and tossing it to the cunt. He looks over my shoulder at Destiny. “You too.” He flicks his gun in a hurry up motion but she snorts.
“Look at the size of this fucking dress, where the hell would I be able to hide it?” She holds her hands up and motions down her body forcing me to grit my teeth and not rip these cunts eyes out for looking at her like they want a taste.
“Don’t push me girl, the boss will be doing an intimate search to make sure you ain't lying.” She shudders behind me. I reach back and pull her flush against me, she buries her face in my back. I fucking hope her father is smart enough to figure something out, I think when the cunt opens the door and tosses my phone out. Knox would have been tracking it so he would know an estimated circumference of where they would be taking us.
I’m ashamed to admit that I’m scared.
Taylan hasn’t let me go but I’m worried when we get to where we are going they are going to rip him away from me. Being alone scares the shit out of me now. Before him I was fine existing and just living to fight but not now. Now, I want more, no, I need more from my life.
My fear spikes when the van comes to a stop. I jerk forward and crash into his back but he doesn’t budge. One of the guys slides the door open and three of them jump out, the other three keep their guns trained on us as they order Taylan and me out of the van. He grips my hand in his and helps me out. I use my free hand to pull the hem of my dress down, hating how all of these guys are staring at me with hungry looks. Taylan releases my hand and pulls his shirt off, they all cock their guns but he ignores them as he pulls his shirt over my head. When our gazes collide I see it.
He lied!
He does care about me!
He places a kiss on my forehead that says so much more than his words could ever explain. He reclaims his hold on my hand as we are ushered forward to another car, this one looks sleek and expensive. The back door opens and I just know who is inside the car. Before I can warn Taylan, I’m yanked out of his grasp. I scream. He spins around ready to fight but five of those fuckers jump on him. I scream and plead for them to stop hurting him but they don’t stop punching, kicking or even using the butts of their rifles to injure him.
“Fucking stop!” I scream as tears trek down my cheeks. “Koda, please!” I wail. At the sound of his name, the man himself emerges from the back of the car wearing a suit that looks a size too small for him, his cold green eyes land on me and I tremble in fear.
“Enough,” he says in a calm tone. I know the evil he can inflict and I refuse to allow him to hurt Taylan because he tried to help me. “Take them,” is all he says before I’m being carried around the back of the large shed—no, not a shed, a hanger. I gape in horror at the sight of the plane that sits there with men standing on both sides of the staircase that leads to the open door. I struggle in the bastard's hold trying to get free. “Keep fighting and your friend pays the price.” At Koda’s chilling threat, I stop moving and allow the fucker with his arm wrapped around my waist to carry me up the stairs. I almost throw up in my mouth when I feel his hard length pressed against my back.
He places me in a chair at the back of the plane, I remain seated not wanting to fight and have them inflict more pain on Taylan. He is thrown into the seats across from me, grunting in pain and I flinch at the sight of him. His face is bloody, bruised and busted up but the smirk he shoots the guy that threw him in his seat would have you thinking he’s having a grand time!
“Get this plane off the fucking ground, now!” Koda clips out as he makes his way toward me. I look to Taylan who pushes to his feet but is immediately punched in the face by the cunt of a guard. Koda smirks at the sight of him spitting blood on the floor when he claims the seat beside me. I tense and shift as far away from him as I can. “Keep him seated,” he orders the guard who drops down beside Taylan and rests his rifle across his lap, making sure to keep it pointed at him with his finger on the trigger. I nearly jump out of my skin when Koda places his hand on the top of my thigh.
“Don’t fucking touch her!” Taylan roars. He’s answered with a punch to the side of his head. I want to cry at the sight but I bite back the tears, even when Koda trails his hand up my leg. Koda’s men begin talking in Russian as they prepare the plane for takeoff. A small part of me prays that my dad gets here in time, I may seem like a fool but after the first time I was kidnapped, I started wearing the ring Uncle Vin had made for each of us girls, when you twist the diamond it starts transmitting your location. I know my family would have been tracking us this whole time since I activated it in the van.
“Give me what I want and I’ll stop all of this,” Koda purrs as he leans in and runs his nose along the side of my neck. I keep my eyes on Taylan the entire time. His face is etched in pain at the scene before him, but he can’t do a fucking thing to stop this. As long as he is here with me I’m sure I can take whatever Koda does because he’ll ground me, he’ll chase away the nightmares, right?
My hope begins to flee my body when the plane starts moving down the small tarmac, we’re going back to Russia. My family may have a truce with the Russians but even I am not idiotic enough to believe that Andreas has control of the country. If he did, Koda would have been found weeks ago and dealt with. The plane begins to gain speed as we prepare to take off and that's when I see the headlights of cars, I know it’s my family coming for me but they’re too late. They try to chase the plane but they won’t stop us and they won’t risk firing at it in case I’m hurt. My stomach drops when we take flight, I press my hand against the cool window and close my eyes.
I’m so sorry, Dad.
Please find me before it’s too late.
Koda grips my chin and forces my gaze to him, the elation I see in his eyes angers me. He’s a fucking monster!
“Pora domoy, moya babochka.” (Time to go home my butterfly.)
I shake free of his hold and glare at the bastard. “Rossiya ne moy dom! Ty umresh'.” (Russia isn’t my home! You are going to die.)
His eyes widen in surprise. “You speak Russian?”
I school my features. “YA svobodno govoryu, tupitsa. Russkiy — moy rodnoy yazyk.” (I’m fluent, you dumbass. Russian is my native tongue.) I see the proud smirk on Taylan’s face and that bolsters my bravado until Koda’s gaze darkens and he punches me in my mouth. Taylan rages and fights to get to me but his guard and two others subdue him with a beating. I taste the metallic tang of my own blood and rather than spitting it on the ground. I spit it right in his arrogant face. My moment of triumph is short-lived when Koda wraps his hand around my throat and then starts punching me. I try to fight him off but the fucker overpowers me. I feel my cheek split a second before I bite through my lip, I cry out when he lands a powerful hit to my right eye.