Page 41 of Tainted Essence
“Stop! Leave her the fuck alone, you bastard!” Taylan screams. I can feel the anguish in his voice. Koda stops hitting me but doesn’t draw back, the sight of my tears just fuel his triumphant smile.
“You will give me what I want. Mark my words, Suka (bitch),” he sneers before shoving me back against the wall hard enough that I grunt when my head bounces off it.
“I’m going to peel the fucking skin from your bones and wear it as a suit for that,” Taylan promises but Koda ignores him as he grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me to him, then smashes his lips against mine. I shove against his chest but it’s fucking futile. My mind goes back to being chained up in his bathroom and being at his mercy for those two days. The depraved things he did to me still robs me of breath when I spiral. Fighting is my escape, it’s my outlet to let all my pent up rage and anger out for the injustice I suffered at the hands of a man I thought I could trust.
He breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes smiling. “I can’t wait for you to show me everything you have learned, I’ve been watching how good you perform for him.” Horror fills me and my eyes widen as disgust rolls through me. He laughs at the horrified look on my face. “Oh yes, butterfly, I have been watching you for a long time.” I gag, unable to control my reaction.
“Y-you’ve been watching m-me?” My bottom lip quivers.
“We all have been.” I look around to see the leering looks and proud smiles on his men's faces, then swallow the bile that rushes up my throat. “The way he bent you over that couch… hmmmm.” He moans as he runs his nose along my chin. I lock gazes with Taylan who looks just as sickened by this as I am. I feel violated all over again by Koda. “You’re going to perform just like that for me and my men.”
“No!” I cry out as I reel back, shaking my head, unable to keep my tears at bay.
He wraps his hand around my throat, squeezing. “Tell me what I want to know and I will end this all quickly. Defy me and you will be punished.”
Fear grips me in its clutches. I can’t speak, I can’t form a coherent thought let alone voice it. I picture all of these men defiling my body and I choke on a sob. Koda seems satisfied by my reaction and releases me. I slump in my chair, keeping my gaze on my lap. If I give him what he wants, Taylan and I will die. If I defy him and keep my mouth shut, he’ll rape me and so will his men.
He’s doing all of this over a formula my mom came up with years ago, all of this pain and suffering is over fucking drugs!
I’m still lost in my own thoughts when the plane lands. I don’t know about you, but when my anxiety is high everything takes forever. Andreas has done his best to change things but he’s too soft, he grew too lax and now he is faced with an uprising. My only hope is that he has men willing to fight alongside my family to save me. There is no doubt in my mind that my family will be coming and as soon as they realize where I have been taken, my mom will be leading the hunting party. This is her domain, her turf and if anyone can find me in this fucked-up place, it’s her.
Koda drags me off the plane by my hair, literally. Taylan screams and issues threats but is ignored. I don’t fight or protest when he throws me in the back seat of a car. It’s snowing and my body feels cold to touch but I don’t register it, I’m too lost in my own head. Koda slips in the back seat beside me while I watch Taylan being dragged to another car. He tries to fight but is met with another beating but this time, I can’t form words of protest. I remain silent the entire drive, I don’t even fight off Koda when he pushes his hand between my clenched thighs. Each time his fingers brushed against the lace of my panties memories of how he raped me over his bathroom sink played out like a movie on repeat in my head.
When we finally stop driving, he drags me by my arm this time. I stumble and trip in my heels but he doesn’t care, he just keeps yanking me after him. I don’t look around the house as I’m led through it to some type of internal garage where I’m forced into a metal chair, my ankles cuffed to the legs of the chair. Taylan’s shirt doesn’t cover enough so my panties are seen. My wrists are cuffed behind my back, the metal biting into my skin but I remain silent. Even when they bring Taylan in and cuff him to the chair in front of me, I remain silent unlike him who vows to kill all of them and their families.
“Scream as much as you like, I own this part of Russia and no one will aid you if you escape, not even your precious Andreas,” Koda taunts. I knew that already. I’m not stupid, for Koda to have a plethora of men and the means to do what he has done shows me Andreas never had full control of Russia like he thought.
“She doesn’t know anything,” Taylan snaps.
Koda scoffs. “She knows everything, her mother is a Volkov. Men in that family were ruthless, Gods amongst men. My father was an adviser for Vladimer Volkov. No one would have dared to rise against that family but her mother ruined Russia when she sided with those American scum.”
I snap my head up and grind my teeth. “Eti amerikanskiye podonki pridut za mnoy, i kogda oni eto sdelayut, oni budut medlenno ubivat' tebya, poka ya smotryu.” (Those American scum are coming for me and when they do, they are going to kill you slowly while I watch.) Koda eliminates the space between us in two steps. I expect him to hit me again and brace for it but instead, he grips the front of Tay’s shirt and shreds it. I open my mouth to scream at him when he grips the front of my dress but it’s too late, he tears it down the middle exposing me to him and all his men who are in here.
“You fucking cunt, stay away from her!” Taylan bellows but it’s too late. Because of the style of the dress I wasn’t able to wear a bra and only have nipple shields on and a thong. Koda smiles viciously as he peels the nipple shields off me and steps back laughing. His men move in closer to get their fill. They whistle and laugh, some even lick their lips and grab their cocks but I refuse to cower.
“Your mothers will bury their sons before I kill them and anyone related to you. I won’t stop until your existence is wiped from this earth,” I say. My threat is met with laughter from everyone except for Taylan and Koda, the latter sneers at me before barking at his men to get out. When Taylan and I are finally alone in the room I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.
“Look at me,” Tay demands.
I slowly turn to face him and the devastated look in his eyes almost has me crumbling. “I’m gonna tell you the truth right now and you will hate me for saying it but you need to hear it?—”
I cut him off before he can finish. “My family were at the tarmac, they wouldn’t have boarded a plane until they knew where ours landed. They won’t reach us in time before Koda starts torturing and raping me. I know, Taylan.” Pain bursts to life in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Slayer, I promise?—”
“Stop making promises you can’t keep,” I snap angrily, I know this isn’t his fault but I can’t stop my anger from rising. If he hadn’t rejected me then I wouldn’t have been at that fucking club!
“I can keep this one,” he implores me to believe him with a loaded look.
“I don’t believe you.”
“Want to know my story and why I need consent?”
Even the predicament we are in can’t stop me from gaping at him and the curiosity inside me from breaking free.
“You finally gonna tell me?” I press.
“Only when you need to be distracted, it isn’t a happy story or one that will make you swoon.” I search his gaze for any sign of deceit but see none.