Page 69 of Masquerade Mistake
“The delivery guy dropped off some packages on your porch,” he says, placing a plate with toast in my lap. “I didn’t get them, though. I figured your neighbors don’t need to see your naked boyfriend.”
“I’d like to see my naked boyfriend,” I say, then giggle when he strips again and climbs into bed with me. I take a bite of toast, then offer him a bite. He takes a small nibble, then pushes it back to me.
“I already ate with Finn. You eat.”
I do, enjoying the way it feels to be wrapped in his arms while eating. I don’t usually butter my toast, but the healthy serving he layered on it tastes so delicious, I feel like a changed woman.
I’m also unsure what was delivered. As far as I know, I’m not expecting anything. The Book Expo was my last big job, and I’ve enjoyed a slight reprieve since mailing the packages a few days ago.
But the idea of boxes staying on my doorstep bothers me. I trust my neighbors, but there’s always the chance of porch pirates looking for an opportunity. So as soon my plate is empty, I slide away from Ethan and pull on a robe.
“So soon?” He gives me a tempting smile, rubbing the bed next to him. God, I could look at his body all day, and it takes everything in me not to forget the packages and head for his package instead.
“Give me a few minutes,” I say. “I’ll just bring the boxes in, and then I swear, I’m all yours for as long as you’ll have me.”
I lean down, my robe falling open as I kiss him. He pushes his tongue inside my mouth as his hand grasps my breast, and I moan as my yearning awakens once again.
“I promise,” I sigh into his mouth before pulling away. His chuckle follows me out of the room.
But when I open the door, all my yearning disappears. There are several large boxes, the same ones I packed up and shipped a couple days ago for the book expo—which is tomorrow. I’d even paid extra to make sure they arrived in San Francisco by today. Instead, they’re on my porch, more than three hundred miles south of where they’re supposed to be.
Chapter 28
After several phone calls, it’s obvious there’s nothing that can be done. It’s a mistake on the post office’s end, but they don’t have a solution to fix it except to refund the money I spent on shipping.
Ethan sits with me at the table, now covered in boxes. He joined me as soon as he heard me swear, and I can tell he feels helpless as I try to figure out what to do.
“You can deliver it yourself,” he says, and I bury my head in my hands. It’s really the only solution, and I know it. But tomorrow is Friday, and Finn has school. He could skip for the day, but I know he’ll hate it. He’d rather be with his friends than take a road trip.
“Finn can stay with me,” Ethan says, as if reading my mind.
“No.” It slips out of my mouth before I can even think of what I’m saying. I see his jaw flex as he takes in the word, and I momentarily feel bad. But I also can’t allow this. “Finn has never once in his life spent the night away from his home,” I explain.
“That’s fine, but that was before he had a father.”
I get up from the table, turning from him as his words sink in. There’s so much that’s unresolved about this, and I know it’s a conversation we need to have. I’m just not ready. Will I ever be ready? I’m not sure.
“We haven’t even told him yet, and you already want him to stay at your house.”
“His house now, too, Claire. He has two parents, even if he doesn’t know yet.”
My hands clench, my chest feeling like it’s going to cave in on itself. “You can’t do this,” I say.
“I’m not doing anything. I’m just offering to take him for the weekend.”
“And then what?” I ask, my voice filling the small space. “First he stays overnight. Then a week? Then we’re in court figuring out split custody, and Finn is in a different home every week? I won’t do that to my son.”
“Our son,” he reminds me, and I glare at him. “And I’m not asking for joint custody or a split schedule, or anything like that. I want to be with you, Claire. This isn’t some casual fling. I know the stakes here and what it means to be with you. But I also want time with my son so we can get to know each other better.”
“And you can tell him you’re his dad,” I mutter.
“Well, yeah,” he says. I whip my head in his direction, ready to yell, but he holds his hands up. “Not yet,” he assures me. “But I’d like to tell him soon. I’d like us to tell him together. I wish he knew now, but I’m respecting your wishes. I’m respecting all your wishes with Finn, Claire. But you need to give me a chance here.”
I look down, playing with the sash of my robe, unsure what to say. He’s right, of course, one overnight isn’t a lot. But where does it stop? What if I keep loosening the reins and end up losing Finn in the process? I think of Finn’s little voice this morning, the excitement I could hear even from the bedroom. It’s only a matter of time before we’re telling him that Ethan is his dad, and I’m not ready yet.