Page 121 of No More Lies
Chapter 27
“We lost our money, the sarin and we didn’t get the woman. What happened?” Omar Aziz stood facing his younger brother Hakim.
“I don’t have all the details, but it was the same team Lazir warned us about. They have Volkov.”
“He will talk. I guarantee it. The man will tell them whatever he can to help himself. That team has interfered too many times.”
Omar was pissed. He'd been forced from his hotel, as had his daughter and grandson, for fear that the American team would take them. They had foiled several attacks, cost them thousands of dollars, and were destroying Reborn’s reputation. If Reborn was going to be able to overthrow Daram’s government, they needed to show strength, Show power. This damn team kept getting in the way of that.
“Omar,” Hakim suggested, “perhaps we should redirect our efforts somewhere else. Far from this team. We can still get the attention we need. Get our message across.”
“No!” Omar roared. “That makes us weak. Reborn took out one SEAL team. We will take out another. They bleed like the rest of us. We will regroup and make sure next time we silence them.”
“And Lazir? Any news?”
“It is moving along nicely. Asma will get her husband back.”
The past week had gone by in a blur. Steve had taken a week’s leave to be with Diane. He hadn’t stopped smiling since Diane had told him the news, despite everything else they had to deal with.