Page 122 of No More Lies
As expected, Megan had been over the moon and couldn't wait to be a big sister. She was already listing all the things she could teach her baby brother or sister. They had gotten an ultrasound, and the 3D image of the little blip was displayed proudly on the front of the fridge.
Over several hours, Diane had given her statement to Dale. Dale had allowed him to sit in and once again he had been overwhelmed at her courage and strength as she described everything that had happened. Later, she’d also been allowed back into her office at McCormick and Michaels to collect her personal belongings.
Kelly, Mira, and Sophie had visited. Diane had asked him to stay for that one, while she explained to the girls how she’d been feeling and why she hadn’t come to them. The girls had been understanding and supportive as he knew they would be. That made him happy. Knowing Diane had been honest with them made him feel better about the next time he had to leave for a mission. These women would make sure Diane was OK. The rest of Raven and Sam had come by later, and together they had shared the news of their growing family to the delight of everyone.
Diane had also spoken to Melanie and Natasha, and they’d even come over for lunch with Anya. Diane was still hurting a little, and it would be a few more days until the stitches could come out, so Steve had offered to wait on the ladies, and they’d had a great time.
Today had been Megan’s birthday party. They had spent the morning at the trampoline park with her friends, followed by ice cream and presents. Afterward, they came here to Dex’s place for part two, with her “adult friends,” as she called them.
The boys were spoiling her rotten while Steve turned the burgers on Dex’s grill. He always seemed to man the grill at Dex’s barbecues, not that he minded. He considered himself a grill master. Everyone was there, including all the members of Nyx. When the news spread about his growing family, the gathering had turned into a double celebration.
He looked up from grilling to where Diane sat in a lounge chair on the deck talking to Donnie. He smiled, watching her. What a difference a week can make. Diane looked relaxed, happy, and positively glowing. She must have sensed him because she looked up and smiled.
They had talked a lot this past week. They had even had a session with Claire, the team psychologist. He had suggested it and was surprised but glad Diane had agreed. He wanted nothing more than to see his angel regain her self-worth and confidence. Diane was still worried about not working, the house being too small, and their money situation. Steve had done his best to reassure her. He’d even told the guys, asking them to look out for any cheap three-bedroom houses that maybe he could fix up. The team were eager to help, and if they found one, he knew all of them would be there to lend a hand. He didn’t want his wife to worry about any of it. All he wanted her to do was take this time for herself and let him take care of the rest.
“Don’t burn those burgers,” Dex said handing him a beer.
“Have I ever?” Steve challenged.
Dex laughed.
“You ready to get back to work tomorrow?”
“I am. It’s been great spending the week with my family, but I’m ready. Any ops on the horizon? Aziz?” He wanted to go and get those brothers sooner rather than later.
“They are officially a target. The intel team have pieced together more than enough evidence, but still no location. You know as well as I do Reborn have always been good at staying hidden.”
“They’ll slip up. They always do.”
“Hell, yeah, and we will be waiting. I’m sure they're pissed that we stopped the attack.”
“What you told me about Tracer, him not liking that Reborn are making this personal, he was right. It doesn’t seem to matter who’s in charge, their grievance with us isn’t fading.”
“I know.”
Steve noticed Kelly moving to sit next to Diane. Neither he nor Dex said anything as they both watched the women they love, as well as the rest of their Onyx family enjoying themselves. Reborn were always going to be a threat until they shut those bastards down.
“You two look way too serious.” Diane was walking toward them. She wore a pretty blue halter-neck sun dress covered in little white flowers. She looked beautiful. Radiant. He loved seeing her like this. Relaxed. Happy.
Steve smiled. “We’re just being sentimental about what a great family we all belong to.”
He held out his arm and Diane leaned into him. Seconds later, Kelly joined them and whispered in Dex’s ear.
“You want to do it now?” Steve heard Dex say. Kelly nodded.
“Hey, Tyler.” Dex called him over. “Can you keep an eye on the grill? Me and Kelly want to talk to Steve and Diane.”
“You bet.” Tyler took the spatula out of Steve’s hand. Steve looked at Dex with an arched eyebrow. What the fuck was this about?
“Come inside the house for a minute.”
“What about Megan?” Diane scanned the beach looking for their daughter.
“She’s playing soccer with Ryan. We got her,” Tyler said.
Dex led them into their house to the small dining table, where they all sat. Steve grabbed hold of Diane’s hand. Dex and Kelly were smiling, so whatever it was didn't appear to be bad news.
“We have a proposition for you. Well, Kelly does. But before she tells you, we want you to know, if you say no, we won't be offended, and it changes nothing. OK?”