Page 26 of No More Lies
“I know. She told Donnie tonight he shouldn’t have a burger because he’s too big.”
Diane gasped and turned to face him. “No! She did not!” she whispered as he closed the door, and they stepped away from it.
“Yep, she did. It was hilarious. She said he took up too much of the seat.”
Diane covered her mouth, stifling a giggle as she imagined Donnie’s face. She wished she’d been there. She should have been there. She had missed too many moments recently. Pulling away from Steve she walked to their bedroom. Steve followed.
“Angel, please talk to me.”
The way he said it, the slight desperation in his voice, caught her off guard. He was worried about her. Really worried. She sat down on the edge of the bed.
“What do you want me to say? I’m just tired. It’s a rough case. That’s all.” Removing her earrings, she avoided his gaze.
“It’s more than that and we both know it.”
She looked up at him startled. He was leaning against the door jamb, arms crossed over his chest.
“I saw the look on your face when you got that text message this morning. You were scared. Something is going on, and I don’t understand why you won't tell me.”
His voice was gentle. She wanted to tell him, but the words wouldn’t come out. Things were already strained between them. And now...dammit...if she told him... What good would that do? Volkov was just being a bully. It was just a custody case. Yes, she was a little rattled, but she could handle it. She was used to handling things alone.
“Honey, it’s just the case. It’s a bad one. The text, it was bad news. A bit of evidence I was relying on we can’t use. That’s it.” Great. Now she was lying to her husband.
Steve held her gaze, his mouth in a grim line.
“Tell me about the case.”
“You know I can’t. Attorney-client privilege and all that.”
“Fuck that. This is me. I’m not going to tell anyone.” His voice had risen slightly.
Diane stood up. “Do I insist you tell me details about your job? The missions you go on? No, because you’re not allowed to share with anyone outside your team, and you obey that. I might not like it, but I get it.”
“That’s different and you know it.”
“Why is it? Because your job is more important than mine? I take my job just as seriously as you take yours, so at least show me the decency to respect that.”
As they stood staring at each other, Diane prayed he would drop it.
Steve dropped his arms. “So this is how it’s going to be going forward? Any big case, we’re never going to see you. Our marriage comes second?” Steve asked.
“Our marriage has come second to your job for years. To me and Megan for years. Just because you’re with Onyx now and are home more, you don’t get to demand more of our time. This is my time, my career, my dream, remember?”
As soon as she said the words, she wanted to take them back. Steve looked like he’d been slapped. She’d never spoken to him like that before. She hadn’t meant it the way it sounded. The words had just spilled out of her mouth. What the hell was wrong with her?
When he pushed off the door jamb, she waited for the onslaught. She wouldn’t blame him for being upset. But it never came. Instead, when he spoke, he was calm, his voice low.
“You’re lying to me, Diane, and you’re hiding something. You're either going to tell me the truth, or I will find it out for myself. You decide which one it should be.”
He walked out and she listened to his footfalls going downstairs.
Shaking, Diane sank down on the bed. Oh, God! The hurt on his face. She wanted to go to him, tell him she didn't mean what she said. But her feet wouldn’t move.
STEVE STARED UP AT the ceiling, hands behind his head. He’d barely slept a wink all night and that had nothing to do with having chosen the couch. He heard Diane get up, shower and leave. She hadn’t even come into the living room. He had contemplated going to her, trying to talk to her again, but her words were on constant replay in his head.
Our marriage has come second to your job for years. To me and Megan for years. Just because you’re with Onyx now and are home more you don’t get to demand more of our time.