Page 27 of No More Lies
He couldn’t believe she felt that way. Had no idea. His family came first, always, but his job meant hard choices. Choices that were often taken out of his hands. She’d known that when they started dating, though, and it had not seemed a problem before. They’d been happy. Or so he thought. Perhaps he had been wrong. Maybe he didn’t know his wife very well at all. It appeared his job was an issue.
After making sure Megan was awake, he took a shower before going downstairs to make breakfast. His phone pinged.
I’m sorry.
He stared at the words, fighting frustration. What was he supposed to do now? He loved his wife. His family meant everything to him. Christ, the thought of Diane leaving him caused a pain so fierce in his chest he couldn’t breathe. He braced against the kitchen island, his fists clenched. She said she loved him, and he damn well loved her. That was all that mattered. Everything else could be sorted out. If that meant stepping away from Onyx, it would be hard, but he’d do it. If she really thought their marriage, her and Megan had come second, it was time to prove to her they didn’t.
Despite all of that, his instincts still screamed she was holding out on him. The fear he’d seen on her face in the diner had nothing to do with him not putting their marriage first. It had to do with the text. What the fuck could be so bad she wouldn’t talk to him about it?
When Megan bounded into the kitchen, Steve straightened and gave her a warm smile.
“Hi, Pumpkin. Here you go. Cereal and toast.”
“Where’s Mommy?”
“Mommy left for work already. She didn’t want to wake you.”
“On a Sunday? Again?”
Steve managed to keep his smile in place. “Yes. It won’t be every Sunday. Mommy is just really busy right now. But the good news is you get to spend the day with me.”
He winked and she grinned.
“Now eat your breakfast.” He poured a cup of orange juice and slid it across the island before pouring himself a glass. Megan was focused on eating, so he pulled out his phone and shot a text to Mackie.
Hey, let me know when you can do that favor for me.
He only waited seconds for the response.
Just out for a run, send me the number and I can do it when I get home.
Steve sent the number, feeling guilty as hell, but he had to know. Had to know what was going on. If Diane was in trouble. There was a chance he would discover something he didn’t want to know, but he pushed aside the thought. He trusted his wife.
“So what mischief are we going to get up to today?” He leaned on the island and looked at his daughter. She was a miniature of Diane. The same soft curls framed her face. Big brown eyes and a splattering of freckles across her nose.
“Can we go to the party store and choose some things for my birthday party?”
“I think we can do that.”
A few hours later, Megan had chosen magic dragons as her party theme. No princess stuff for his little girl. They had bought party favors, plates, napkins and a bunch of other stuff. Steve loaded everything into his truck. Then he leaned in the back to ensure Megan was strapped in. When he closed the door, a black Ford sedan caught his eye. He couldn’t see inside due to the sun. He didn't recognize it, but he was sure it had also been on his street this morning. He shook his head. Jesus. It was a busy mall parking lot; black Fords were everywhere.
Getting in the driver’s seat, he started the engine. When he cranked Taylor Swift on high, Megan burst into song, and he joined her. The two of them sang their hearts out as they made their way home.