Page 28 of No More Lies
Chapter 8
“Mackie, you with us?” Dex looked at him, eyebrows raised.
“Yeah, sorry, boss.”
Donnie watched Mackie shove his phone back in his pocket and focus back on the brief. Sam was front and center.
“I know you guys haven’t had much downtime, but I wanted to give you the brief now. You won’t be wheels up yet but could be at very short notice.”
The team said nothing, waiting for Sam to continue.
“CIA have confirmed that sarin was stolen from a chemical plant in Russia two days ago. We need to secure it.”
“CIA have someone on the inside? In Russia?” Ryan asked.
“Yes. The plant it originated from is a private chemical facility, makes fertilizer among other things. Fertilizer is exported to the US from Russia.”
“With a sideline in sarin?” Dex asked.
“So it seems. CIA are taking care of the plant. Our focus is what’s in transit.”
“How large an amount?”
“Three 500ml cannisters.”
“That can do some serious damage. Where is it?”
“That’s why you are not wheels up yet. We don’t know. Once we have a location, you will need to intercept and contain it. Depending on where it is, we will then arrange safe transportation.”
“Do we know the target?” Donnie asked.
“Their intel suggests here. As in California. But we have no details of an entry point yet, or an exact target. Washington wants it intercepted before it gets on US soil.”
Everyone stared at Sam.
“OK, so we have a shipment of one of the deadliest chemicals of our time in transit somewhere to an unknown destination in California?” Dex arched his eyebrows. “Appreciate the brief, boss, but why exactly are we here? Not much we can do with that limited intel.”
“Washington wants this on a need-to-know basis. It’s Russia. Considering they are already involved in an active war, we do not want to start another one. No one outside the CIA agents already working on this knows of this situation. And now Onyx are the only other people read in. We’ve been asked to assist in any way we can. Kelly has started working on it, and Mira will join her once Nyx’s op is done.”
“CIA are sure it’s sarin?” Ryan asked.
“Yes. There has been chatter about the sarin for a while. It was thought it was headed to Russian military to use as a weapon. The knowledge that it’s coming here is new. This is the first shipment out of the plant but may not be the last. Their man has witnessed the operation, confirmed it’s legit. He just couldn't stop it leaving without blowing his cover.”
Sam nodded at Kelly.
“CIA’s man said the cannisters are in a small metal case,” Kelly said, “which has most likely been disguised. Whoever is transporting it may or may not know what they are carrying. They could be unaware, or they could be part of the operation.” She shifted in her chair. “Getting sarin from Russia to the US is no small task. Whoever is behind this must have help strategically placed. We ask too many questions, we could spook someone, and the sarin could get released. We are going to start with the truck it left on. Hazardous chemicals can only leave the plant on specialized vehicles.”
“There must be a few back doors we can crack,” Donnie asked. Fuck, hacking was Mackie’s specialty.
Kelly grinned. “And that is why you boys are here, smart ass.”
The guys chuckled. Sam quieted them. “Yes. Mackie, I want you to give it a shot with Kelly, but it must be with zero trace. Nothing can lead back here, nothing, got it? It’s why this op has come to us. No one can know we are poking around. If Russia get wind of it...well...I don't need to tell you. The clock is ticking on an unknown deadline. We do not know when or where the target is. One canister of that stuff put into an air conditioning system or even just released, would kill hundreds, if not thousands and there are three canisters in transport.”