Page 61 of No More Lies
“Steve called you then called me when you didn't answer. He’s cleared it for you to go home. Just tell work you’re not feeling well and leave. Looks like you’ll be telling them the truth.” He gave her a small smile.
“What about Volkov?”
“Divert your office line to your cell. That way whatever line he calls, you can still answer it. Nyx will continue to watch here to see if he shows up. We’ll get him if he does. Come on. Get your things and go down to your car. Liam will follow you home.”
Diane wanted to cry in relief, but she held it together. With Scottie holding her arm, she walked back to her office. Ten minutes later, she felt steady enough to leave on her own. When she got to reception, Michelle looked up.
“Diane, you look terrible. Is everything alright? Can I get you anything?”
“No, thank you. My headache is back, and I think it's turning into a migraine. I’m going home. Can you let the partners know for me? I’ve diverted my phone and will monitor my calls.” “Of course. Get some rest and let me know if you need anything.”
It took just over twenty minutes to get home. She had spotted the black Onyx SUV a couple of times in her rearview mirror. A welcome sight. Seeing Steve’s truck on the driveway of her house felt even better.
She parked, grabbed her purse and laptop bag, and hurried to the front door. It opened as she got to the top step, and she kept walking straight into her husband’s arms and promptly fell apart.
Steve’s arms squeezed her tight and she felt him shift and kick the door shut with his foot.
“Hey, Angel, Ssh, it’s OK.” He rubbed a hand up and down her back and took her bags from her, placing them on the stairs. Her whole body trembled as she sobbed. She gripped his t-shirt, hanging on for dear life, afraid if she let go, he would disappear.
“Diane, come on, calm down. I’m here. I got you.” He kissed the top of her head, and his finger under her chin was gentle as he lifted her face. He frowned and she knew from seeing her reflection earlier she looked terrible. Without another word, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her up to their bedroom, putting her on their bed.
Her sobs subsided, but she couldn't stop shivering. She watched her husband as he quietly undressed her.
“Angel, talk to me. Are you sick? Do I need to get a doctor?”
Diane let him pull one of his t-shirts over her head. “Migraine,” she said quietly.
Steve nodded.
Migraine, and probably also shock, exhaustion, fear, and her whole life falling apart. She wanted to go to sleep and then wake up in Steve’s arms to find this was all over.
“Get under the covers.”
He coaxed her down on the bed. She went willingly, craving darkness and sleep. The last thing she remembered was the feel of Steve’s lips on her forehead as exhaustion finally won out.
STEVE SAT BY THE SIDE of the bed and watched his wife sleep. The sight of her, deathly pale, crying and scared, had rocked him to his core. He was her husband. For better or worse. He’d been a shitty husband. He’d not been there when she’d needed him the most. Not been supporting her through this mess and handling this whole situation all wrong. It was clear to him now, he was angry at himself, not Diane. Angry for not seeing what had been going on. For not being the man his wife could come to. And he felt overwhelming shame.
When his phone buzzed in his pocket, he left the bedroom to answer Dex’s call.
“Hey, just checking in. How is she?”
“Not great. She’s sleeping now. The stress brought on a migraine, and I think she’s in a little shock, too.”
“I’m sure she’s glad to be home with you.”
“Yeah. Thanks for hearing me out on this one. I appreciate you and Sam being on board.” He had been ready to go to her office and drag her out of there and home himself.
“It was the right call. We were asking a lot of her. If someone is watching, Diane went to work and came home sick. As she was genuinely sick, her colleagues can vouch for that. It won’t raise any red flags at her firm. If Volkov hears about it and is concerned, I have no doubt he will call. She’s been so strong. You should be proud.”
“I am. I need to stay here, Dex.”
No way was he leaving her. He needed to be here when she woke up. He needed to be with her, right by her side until Volkov was captured or killed. He didn't care which. Then he would stay by her side until they worked through everything else going on between them.
“Not a problem.”
He sighed in relief, forever grateful he was with Onyx.