Page 62 of No More Lies
“Nyx are going to rotate keeping watch on her firm," Dex said. “See if Volkov turns up there.”
“Appreciated. No more news?”
“We’re working on it. Might have a lead on Myers. I’ll let you know when we have more. Just let us know if he calls.”
“Yeah, no worries, I have her phone right here. What about Megan? It’s almost three. As much as I want her here with me, I’m not sure it’s a good idea.” He hated the thought of her not coming home, but Volkov was still a threat. He did not want his daughter in the middle of a dangerous situation. It was bad enough Diane was caught up in this.
“I’m glad you said that because I was thinking the same thing. Sam spoke to Dale. Agent Adams said she’s happy to take Megan to her place. She has a condo with excellent security. Dale will also make sure it’s surrounded. What do you think?”
“I’d feel happier it was Raven or Nyx watching her.”
“I get it. But you know why it can't be. Both our teams need to be ready to go.”
Steve rubbed the back of his neck. Onyx had to secure the sarin and Volkov. That needed two teams. Putting a team on babysitting duties was not an option as much as he might want it to be. Dale Sanchez was ex-Delta and a close friend of Sam’s. The man had handpicked the agents on his team. There was no reason not to trust them.
“FBI it is then. I should talk to her, so she’s not scared.”
“I’ll have Agent Adams call you at end of school, and you can speak to Megan directly. Now go and take care of your wife. I’ll keep you posted.” Dex ended the call.
Steve walked back to the bedroom to find Diane still sleeping. He settled in the chair beside the bed and placed both their cellphones on the nightstand. She looked so peaceful in sleep. Beautiful. He swallowed down the emotion bubbling in his throat. Nothing else mattered except Diane and Megan. Damn. Diane had stood by him, supported him, encouraged him every single day as he went through training. Then SEALs, now Onyx. He had never given much thought to what it must have been like for her. Those early years with Megan, Diane had practically raised her alone. Then she balanced home life and law school while he was deployed. He had pulled his weight whenever he had been home, but truthfully, that hadn’t been often. And it had not been enough. This beautiful woman, his wife, had kept going, stayed strong and determined. She’d not complained and taken care of everything. She had succeeded in becoming a lawyer, and an amazing mom. She deserved so much more than the selfish, angry bastard he had been recently.
It was time for things to change. It was time for Diane’s life to take front and center stage. For him to support her in any way possible. If that meant his career took a back seat, he could do it. After all these years, she deserved it. He vowed to give her whatever she wanted.
DIANE AWOKE ALONE IN bed. A wave of disappointment swept over her. Then she heard Steve’s voice. It sounded like he was talking on the phone. At least he was still here in the house. He hadn’t left her. Tentatively, she moved her head to gauge how bad the pain was. It wasn’t gone, but it was much better than earlier. The room no longer spun, and the nausea appeared to have subsided.
She glanced at the clock on her bedside table. It was just after six o’clock. Megan should be home. Volkov? Had he called? She looked for her cellphone, but she couldn’t see it.
Needing the bathroom, she got up slowly. The headache was still present, and a little lightheadedness, but it was bearable. Finishing her business, Diane stripped off Steve’s t-shirt and stepped into the shower. She wanted to look somewhat human for Megan.
Fifteen minutes later wrapped in a bathrobe, she opened the door to Steve sitting in the chair by the bed. She spotted her cellphone on the nightstand.
“Feeling better?” he asked with a small smile.
“Much. Thank you.”
She moved to the bed and noticed the steaming mug in his hands. He held it out to her.
“Peppermint tea. You always say that’s good for migraines, right?”
She took the mug. “Yes. Thank you. It’s eased to a bad headache. Sleep helped.”
“I’m sure it did. You were exhausted.”
She looked past him to the door. “Where’s Megan?”
“She’s not here and, before you worry, she’s fine, and you can speak to her soon.”
“I don’t understand? Where is she? Did something happen?” Alarm crept into her voice.
“Megan is with Agent Jessica Adams at her place.”
“What!” She put down the mug as her headache intensified.
“Angel, nothing has happened. Volkov never called, and I agreed that maybe it was better that Megan stay away a few days until this is over. Where she is protected and safe.”
Diane bit her lip, suppressing tears. “You really think I’m in that much danger? What's going on, Steve? What else is Volkov involved in? Why can't Megan be here with us, and you can protect us both? I don't understand why you would hand our baby over to someone else. It makes no sense.”