Page 72 of No More Lies
“Is this line secure?”
“Yes.” He was mildly irritated he had to ask.
“It seems our soldier inside the airport has been taken.”
“I have been informed that he was taken by military. A special ops team.”
“Do they know about me? My company’s involvement?” This time, he didn't hide his irritation.
“Our soldiers are loyal. They will die for The New Dawning of Allah; the cause is more important than his life.”
That didn't answer his question, but he held in his temper. “How did they find out about him?”
“I don’t know yet, but we will find out. Unfortunately, we have some unfinished business with the team that took him. They are after us, not you. We changed the timeline and the party address. Our soldier knows of neither. But if they know about him, they may know about your own man at the airport. I wanted you to be prepared. It wouldn’t be good for any of us if people start asking too many questions. We both have much riding on this arrangement.”
His gaze roamed the dining room where he stood. Pictures of damn cats were everywhere. It felt like his every move was being watched. He despised cats. He despised this house. But it was a convenient hideout where he would stay until he boarded the plane with his daughter.
This deal with Reborn had been very profitable. Returning to Russia, he had cultivated a relationship with the chemical plant and some high ranking, albeit corrupt, officials. It was how this little side hustle of transporting chemical weapons out of the Russian Plant had started. This transport of sarin to the US was a test for all parties. If he backed out now, he would upset some very important people back in Russia. Even if Reborn’s soldier talked, what could he say? He didn’t even know the security guard at the airport Volkov had on his payroll. Volkov didn't like it, but there was minimal risk to him.
“Very well. The party is still set for tomorrow?”
“Yes. It will be quite something.”
He wondered if Hakim would share more details. The man was clearly excited about the upcoming attack. He wouldn't mind knowing where and when exactly so he could be sure he and Anya were far away if for any reason he was not on his jet.
“You changed the location at the very last minute. A risk, no?”
During the silence at the other end of the phone, Volkov waited patiently.
“A little, but worth it. Do you have access to a television?” Aziz asked.
Surprised by the question, Volkov walked to the living room where he’d seen a television and switched it on. “Yes.”
“Pick any news channel.”
Volkov found one. A picture of an Admiral came on screen. He’d heard something about it earlier. Died of a heart attack. As he listened, everything fell into place. A memorial service was being held tomorrow at four o’clock. Top military brass were expected to attend together with some Washington officials.
“You understand now,” Aziz said. “This will make the world stand up and take notice of us.”
He stared at the television. “I do understand.”
“I must go. We will be in touch regarding the next shipment.”
When Aziz ended the call, Volkov continued to watch the news. This was too good an opportunity to miss. An attack at the memorial would be unexpected and catastrophic. Genius. It was only a few short miles from here. Couldn't be more perfect. He might even be able to use the attack to his advantage.
Only one more day until he would be on a private jet out of here with his daughter. His money and his business would be welcomed back to his native land. Almost everything had gone to plan. McCormick and Michaels had done a good job of helping him transition to Russia and would be paid handsomely for their discretion.
Reborn bringing forward the date of the attack had been the only hitch. It had ruined his plan of winning the hearing and taking his daughter legally out of the country. Now he had to take Natasha with him. At least for long enough to get her to marry him, whether she liked it or not.
He had ordered Oleg to bring him Natasha and Anya by whatever means necessary. Unfortunately, her lawyer had been at the house, so they had no choice but to bring her, too. He had no plans to take Ms. Costas back to Russia but he could use her to make Natasha comply.
Natasha had been like a wildcat when she had been delivered to him.
“You can’t just kidnap us. You’re crazy!” Natasha screamed.
“Kidnap is such a nasty word. I just wanted to talk to you. See if we can work things out rather than go through with the hearing.”