Page 73 of No More Lies
“The only way we work things out is if you go to Russia and leave Anya here.”
“You don’t want our daughter to have a father in her life? I have provided for you and Anya. You have wanted for nothing. I love my daughter and I’m not about to leave her here with you.” Volkov kept his voice calm.
“Then stay here and we continue as we were. I will agree to that.”
He smiled. “That’s not going to happen. I am going to Russia, and you and Anya are coming with me. I suggest you get used to the idea.”
“No! We are not coming to Russia. You cannot make us. The hearing will make it impossible.”
“There is not going to be a hearing, and you will come with me. You see you have two choices. One. The three of us get on a plane. I will continue to provide for you. You will want for nothing. Maybe we can even try again. Have a relationship. Marriage. Isn't that what you wanted? Ms. Costas gets to go home and tell everyone you had a change of heart. Or door number two. You refuse. The three of us still get on a plane, but under very different circumstances. You will have only scheduled visits with Anya at my say so. You will be confined to the house, no freedom, no money. And Ms. Costas does not get to go home.”
“What do you mean?”
“I will kill her. Her life is in your hands. We are leaving for Russia on Friday.”
At that point, he’d left her to think it over. If he had to prove he meant business, then he would. It wouldn’t be nice for Ms. Costas, but he would make his point. The woman was going to die, anyway. She knew too much.
Natasha would comply. She would fly to Russia with him. She would marry him. Then when the time was right, she would... disappear. A tragic accident. Anya was still so young. She would get over the loss quickly. After a dignified grieving period, he planned to find a good Russian woman to be her mother.
This plan might even be better than blackmailing the judge at the hearing. Still, he would keep that leverage in his pocket in case he needed it in the future.
Smiling, he walked into the kitchen and scooped up Anya into his arms.
“Not long now, my child, and we will get to see babushka.”
“Babu,” Anya babbled happily, trying to say the Russian word for grandma. Anya would learn to speak Russian fluently. Would be raised as a Russian. It was all working out perfectly.
He turned to Oleg, who was always close by. “The jet will be here tomorrow?”
His man nodded. “Yes, it will be a quick turnaround, but we will be in the air by three, I have been assured.”
The memorial was at four. Perfect timing.
Chapter 17
Diane still stood in front of the living room window. She hadn’t meant to hurt Steve. It was never her intention. Hell, she even fucked up trying to explain what was going on. Was there not anything she could do well? She sighed, fighting back tears. She’d just had enough. Enough of trying to be everything for everyone. Enough of being scared to admit she was failing. Enough of working long, soul-destroying hours. Enough of feeling like she would always be in her husband’s shadow. Enough of being unhappy.