Page 17 of Haunt the Mall
Tori tilted her head. “Is he nice?”
I rolled my eyes. Why would I like someone mean? The last time I dated a jerk, I was a teen, and my family was always irritatingly polite to him. I didn’t know Spider-Man very well, but even his pranks seemed pretty tame. “He gave me free popcorn because he knew I’d be hungry.”
Beaming, she nudged my arm. “That’s so sweet.”
“Too bad I couldn’t get any for us today,” I joked, my stomach twisting in knots. Was he avoiding us beforehand so he wasn’t obligated to give us anything? I wasn’t expecting comped meals and tickets. I just wanted to see him. And a movie.
“I’m sure he’ll turn up.” Tori patted my arm. “He’s probably busy working.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Why did my younger sister have to be so rational about everything?
The lights dimmed. We got comfy in our recliners as previews played. My fingers itched for popcorn. Or a hand. Even though my sister was generally fine with platonic affection, I knew her touch wasn’t the comfort I wanted, so I tucked my hands under my arms and tried to focus on the movie.
The plot had promise. A bunch of young adults went camping and ran into townsfolk who told them the forest was cursed. After the first night, they noticed a few gutted rabbits. Weird. But they were in party mode. Sexual tension brimmed by firelight. Soon, other campers became victims. Something was hunting them. But was it a werewolf? A witch? Random hunters or a real curse?
Friends and lovers turned on each other. But one guy with dreamy eyes and scars on his shoulders pulled aside his girlfriend and said, “I don’t care what you’ve done. Or what you are. I love you. I want you. Forever.” And damn it if that wasn’t the hottest thing I’d ever heard.
His girlfriend kissed him. His muscles flexed under her fingertips. Sweat shined off their bodies in the blue-tinted moonlight as they consummated their passion out in the open. Anyone could’ve seen them. Still, they fucked amid the rattle of branches above. A far shot. Two strangled cries.
Twisting my necklace, I smiled. They were either orgasming or split open. Either way, what a ride.
The silhouette of a guy with scythe-like bangs peeked over the rail divider.
Scooting to the edge of my seat, I grinned. So, my Spider-Man did want to check on me.
“Tori.” I nudged her elbow.
She inhaled sharply and started upright.
“Were you asleep?” I whispered, suppressing a laugh.
She blinked at the screen. “I…dozed for a second.”
I glanced at spider boy and pointed at my sister with a fond eye roll. Could he believe this?
He shook his head. Shameful. Clearly.
I nudged her again and subtly jerked my head at him. “That’s the guy.”
She furrowed her brow at the screen. “Who?”
“My…the guy," I hissed.
His teeth and eyes gleamed in the light. There was no way he could’ve heard us at this decibel. Especially with the swelling music in transition. But by the devilish glint of his smile, he knew I was watching and wanting him.
Before I could redirect Tori, he slipped into the shadows.
Should I go after him? I’d seen enough horror movies to know how leaving my sister to run into the dark for sexy times would end.
“Where is he?” She squinted.
“You missed him.” Even though I’d talked to him earlier, I kinda missed him too. An ache hollowed out my chest and stressed my spine. How could I long for someone I’d barely met?
I crossed my legs and settled into my chair. At least I saw him.
Tori struggled to keep her eyes open for the rest of the movie, so hanging around afterwards wasn’t an option. This wasn’t the kind of flick with a post-credits scene anyway.