Page 18 of Haunt the Mall
As we walked down the hallway, I ran my fingers along the grain of the wall divider. Maybe I’d absorb a trace of my Spider-Man’s energy.
The dark box of the theater burst into color in the lobby. Each crescent shape on the abstract carpet reminded me of the mark nails could imprint on skin. Just past the propped-open door, two men stood sentinel. One was mine.
“I hope you enjoyed your movie. And your nap.” Spider-Man smirked, then bowed his head to me and my sister.
A shiver ran down my spine. Whenever I did get to sleep, chances were, I’d be dreaming of him.
Despite the teasing, unassuming comment, Tori shrunk behind me. “Sorry,” she squeaked. “I did like the movie.”
The coworker snickered.
Spider-Man waved it off. “That’s okay. Happens all the time.”
“She’s studying to be a nurse,” I said. “And, like us, she’s on her feet most of the day.”
“No wonder she’s tired. Plus, who doesn’t like a comfy chair and some darkness? The temptation is almost too much.” He smiled at me.
Heart hammering, I sauntered closer. The temptation was too much. “I’d certainly succumb to it.”
Tori hurried by so quickly a breeze flared my skirt. “Sorry, I have to use the washroom. I’ll meet you in the lobby in a few minutes.”
“Okay. Did you want…” And she was gone. I giggled and turned to my man, swaying my hips.
He nodded to the other guy, who slipped past us to clean up in the theater.
I flipped my hair. “Guess she thought we should be alone.”
Spider-Man shrugged. “Or my friend and I don’t measure up to the guys on screen.”
“She didn’t even see them.” I tapped my toes on his non-slip black shoes. “I’m a fan of what’s in front of me.”
A wide smile lit up his face, but he lowered his head. “Well. This is embarrassing.”
“Why?” Was I coming on too strong? Did he have a partner? Or were we supposed to stick to cat-and-mouse games and not actually pursue anything?
Pink tinged his cheeks as he ruffled his bangs. “I can’t think of anything to reply that isn’t super cheesy. But obviously, you’re a leading lady.”
I clasped my hands. “Aww, does that mean you think I’m pretty?”
“Yes.” He blinked affectionately. “Among other things.”
Did he see the strength of a ‘final girl’ in me? Warmth crept up my collar and tickled my cheeks. I twisted away. “Okay, maybe this is kind of embarrassing.”
We laughed and strolled towards the lobby. Side by side like this, I itched to take his hand, but I rarely did that with real boyfriends, let alone guys I’d just met. There were a few things I needed to know before I jumped him.
“So, are you committed?” I asked, twiddling my necklace.
“To an institution?”
I snorted and gestured to milling couples and families. “To a person. Would anyone seek revenge if we flirted in public?”
“No. Although there is a very important woman in my life,” he said. His ominous tone smeared ash on my fantasies.
“Is it your mother?” It’d be kinda hard to fuck a guy who brought that up.